- Evening came, and morning came, a second day. 黑夜再临,晨光再现,是为第二天。
- Our second day began early with a flight to Quito. 第二天一早,我们乘飞机前往奎多。
- On April 17 the raids continued for a second day. 四月十七日空袭又继续了一天。
- The second day of a week is Monday. 一星期的第二天是星期一。
- The evening of my second day of sight I should spend at a theatre or at the movies. 我能看见的第二天晚上我该在剧院或电影院度过。
- Field Survive On the Second Day. 八:第二天的野外生存。
- I need a second day to finish my work. 我还需要一天的时间才能完成工作。
- They made an appointment for the second day of May. 他们在五月二号有个约会。
- Chart your choices for a second day. 为你第二天的选择画一张图。
- This is the second day of our journey. 这是我们旅程的第二天。
- By the second day, the ship was well out at sea. 第二天该船顺利出航。
- The second day of evening, the devil gambles. 第二天晚上,魔鬼又来赌博。
- This is her second day in Taiwan! 这是她来到台湾的第二天,
- So on this, my second day of sight, I should try to probe into the soul of man through this art. 所以,在我能看的第二天,我要通过人类的艺术努力探究人生的灵魂。
- That reaction until the second day morning just starts. 直到第二天早晨那反应才开始。
- Pivotal hearing heads into second day in Florida court. 佛州法院关键听审进入第二天。
- Give the lad a break,it's only his second day on the job. 给这小伙子一次机会,他上工才第二天。
- And there's a cocktail party at the end of the second day. 会议第二天结束时有鸡尾酒会。
- The second day, we went to the Palace Museum,@ says Jenny. “第二天,我们去故宫了。” 珍妮说。
- The bull-fight on the second day was much better than on the first. 第二天的斗牛赛比第一天的精彩得多。