- A second island town, less piratey, with a Navy Outpost. 第二个岛屿城镇,海盗势力稀少,并有一个海军前哨.
- Map Location Help - Second island, just north of the Faggio and Coquette. Show me the map 地图位置帮助 -第二岛,北部的Faggio和贵妇人。
- The disputed area between eastern China and Japan's southern island chain of Okinawa is rich in gas deposits. 中国东部和日本南部冲绳列岛之间有争议的海域蕴藏着丰富的天然气资源。
- The Cleveland stratovolcano is one of the most active in the Aleutian Island chain. 克利夫兰成层火山石是阿留申群岛链上最活跃火山之一。
- Authorities are urging people who refused to evacuate the low-lying Florida Key West island chain to take safety precautions. 有关当局敦促佛罗里达州低洼的基韦斯特岛屿上拒绝撤离的居民采取安全措施。
- Geography: The Broken Isles are an island chain located just south of the Maelstrom in the Great Sea. 地志:破碎群岛是位于无尽之海中大漩涡正南的一群岛屿。
- The shell of the sea mollusk is a symbol of the island chain, also known as the Conch Republic. 这些海上软体动物的躯壳是这个岛链的象征,也以“海螺共和国”而闻名世界。
- The Hawaiian island chain began around 10 billion years ago with the formation of Kauai and Niihau. 在岛上健行或在野外地区逍遥自在的旅行,是完全不用付费的。
- Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, over 2,000 miles from the nearest 3)landfall. 夏威夷群岛是世界上最偏远的岛链,它们离最近的陆地相隔超过两千英里。
- Hawaiians exist in an island chain closest to the epicenter of the Earth Mother's global heart chakra. 夏威夷人生活在一个最靠近地球母亲全球心轮之正中心的列岛上。
- The Hawaiian island chain began around 10 billion years ago with the fomp3 ation of Kauai and Niihau. 在岛上健行或在野外地区逍遥自在的旅行,是完全不用付费的。
- Go to the extremities of Japan's long island chain, however, and the picture is less bright. 然而在日本长形岛链的末端,这副图画就不那么光彩了。
- Russians hunted sea otters almost to extinction along the Aleutian Island chain, through Alaska and into California. 俄国人的足迹划过整个阿留申群岛,穿越阿拉斯加,进入加利福尼亚,致使海獭几近绝迹。
- Authorities are urging people who refused to evacuate the low-lying Florida Keys island chain to take safety precautions. 有关当局敦促佛罗里达州低洼的基韦斯特岛屿上拒绝撤离的居民采取安全措施。
- Japan is in Eastern Asia. It is an island chain between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, east of the Korean Peninsula. 日本位于东亚,是北太平洋和日本海之间的列岛,在朝鲜半岛的东面。
- The 343-km (213-mile) Andaman Trunk Road (ATR), completed in 1989, was designed as an economic lifeline to link the island chain. 长约343公里(213英里)的安达曼干道于1989年竣工。它被设计成连接安达曼列岛的经济交通线。
- It stars the perky-eared blue alien and his Japanese playmate, Hanako, a resident of an imaginary island in the southern island chain of Okinawa. 片中主角是长着漂亮的大耳朵的蓝色外星人和他的日本玩伴华子,后者住在日本南部冲绳群岛中的一个虚构小岛上。
- He singled and went to second on a passed ball. 他击出一垒打,再因对方漏接而跑上二垒。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。