- sebum cutaneum 皮脂
- The sebum, the dirt wields entirely leaves! 皮脂,污垢通通挥别!
- The sebum travels through these passages. 皮脂就从这些毛发经过。
- As a result, sebum production decreases, which reduces acne. 因此,减少皮脂的产生,从而减少粉刺。
- Anti-inflammatory sterilization, regulate sebum secretion. 消炎杀菌,调节皮脂分泌。
- They also channel to the surface a skin-softening oil called sebum. 它们也引导一种被称为“皮脂”的软化皮肤的油脂到皮肤的表面。
- In reality, sebum tur the color of mud when exposed to air. 事实上,皮脂在暴露在空气中时会转变成泥土的颜色。
- Absorb skin excess sebum and provide deep cleansing to skin pores. 吸收皮肤多余的皮脂,并且深入的清洁皮肤毛孔。
- It helps to constringe pores, balance sebum secretion and moisturize skin. 具有良好的保湿作用,防止肌肤干燥,为肌肤带来透明感与光泽。
- Sometimes, the sebum, hair and cells of the pores block these openings. 有时候皮脂、毛发和毛孔细胞会堵塞通道。
- Eye skin will easily feel dry since there’s few sebum gland and sweat gland. 由于眼周皮脂腺、汗腺较少而易干燥。
- Bark extract decreases sebum production, reduces shine and tightens pores. 树皮提取物可以减少皮脂生产,紧致毛孔。
- Toosebum results in greasy hairconversely, too little sebum makes dry hair. 油脂含量过多会导致油性发质,相反,油脂含量过少则会导致干性发质。
- Absorbs excess sebum with 8hrs matte and powdery complexion results. 吸收脸部多余油脂,保持清爽粉末定妆效果达8小时。
- It not only balances the sebum secretion, but also carries a luxury scent. 不单平衡皮脂分泌,其香味有著贵妇寝室的迷人气息;
- Hair's natural shine is supplied by its own conditioner, sebum, an oil composed of waxes and fats and also containing a natural antiseptic that helps fight infection. Too much sebum results in greasy hair and conversely, too little sebum makes dry hair. 头发的自然光泽来自它自身的护发素:油脂,它含有蜡和脂肪,还含有抗感染的自然抗菌剂。油脂含量过多会导致油性发质,相反,油脂含量过少则会导致干性发质。
- These conditions produce increased cell renewal on the scalp, which is often associated with an increase in sebum. 这些情况使头皮上的细胞更新加快,伴随而来的常常是油脂的增加。
- A plug of keratin and sebum within a hair follicle that is blackened at the surface. 黑头粉刺在带毛小囊内由角朊和脂肪组成的粉刺,表面呈黑色
- Prevent the skin disease occurs, balance the exudation of the sebum and accelerate the concrescence of the wounds. 适合油性皮肤,平衡、抑制皮脂分泌,促进伤口愈合。
- Filthy-looking blackheads feed the misconception that acne grows on grime. In reality, sebum tur the color of mud when exposed to air. 看上去脏乎乎的黑头粉刺让人们往往误解为粉刺就是在尘垢上长出来的。事实上,皮脂在暴露在空气中时会转变成泥土的颜色。