- seamless ring rolling 无缝环轧制
- One Ring Roll Milling Line stopped last year 2005 due to change in product mix. 一条齿圈辊轧线,由于产品换型于2005年刚停产。
- The pure titanium seamless ring pipe (SRP) is a kind of important components widely used in astronaut, voyage and automobile industries. 纯钛无缝环形管是一种应用于航空、航天、汽车行业的特殊部件,用它制成的钛环形气瓶具有体积小,重量轻,能够承受高压的特点。
- The guide roll stabilizes the rolling and keeps the workpiece circular in the ring rolling. 在环件轧制过程中,导向辊起着稳定轧制过程并对环件归圆的作用。
- Qingdao Speed Reducer Factoryis a main manufacturer of speed reducer, ring rolling machine and cross wedge rolling machine. 青岛减速机厂是山东省生产减速机、辗环机、楔横轧机的骨干企业。
- By analyzing the kinematics and deforming mechanics in cold ring rolling,a integrated process dynamic model of the feed syst... 模型已用于冷轧环工艺控制器的设计。
- My ring rolled beneath the chair,and I can't get my horse under. 我的戒指滚到椅子底下,我的手伸不下去。
- A systematical design method of the guide roller motion was developed according to the ring rolling process, and a MATLAB program was programmed to solve the design parameters. 建立根据冷辗扩工艺来确定导向辊运动的一整套设计方法,并用MATLAB编写求解程序以求解所有的设计参数。
- To eliminate the residual stress formed during the process of ring rolling, the radial ring rolling was simulated by elas-plastics large deformation finite element analysis. 摘要为了消除环件冷轧过程中产生的残余应力,采用弹塑性大变形有限元法对环件径向冷轧过程进行仿真。
- According to the principles and technology of ring rolling,a rolling technics of C-section rim ring including the product and die design was introduced. 根据环件轧制工艺及原理,介绍了一种C型断面轮辋圈的轧制工艺设计过程,包括其产品设计及模具设计。
- Based on the reduced scale ring rolling and finite element simulation, materials axial transferring pattern was studied and a formability evaluation method was proposed including the shape factor. 摘要研究了大型复杂环件形状因素和轧制速率对成形性能的影响规律。
- By employing the principle of volume incompressible,the kinematics equations for the radial/axial ring rolling process were developed to improve the precision and efficiency of the existing formula. 为了提高环件双向轧制过程中运动学方程的精度和计算效率,根据轧制曲线建立了矩形截面环件径/轴双向轧制过程中径向与轴向进给量之间的关系。
- There afe many nonlinear constraints ofdynamics. kinematics. metal plasticity anddefects in ring rolling process, Conventional process planning method can't meet these requirements atthe same time. 环件轧制过程中存在着运动学、动力学、金属塑性及缺陷等非线性约束。常规工艺制订方法很难同时满足这些非线性约束条件。
- Three rolling schedules were selected, dynamic simulations on the preloaded housing of cold ring rolling mill were proceeded with 3D finite element method, the results were compared. 选取3种轧制规程,用三维有限单元法对预紧机架进行了动力仿真,并进行了分析和比较。
- The comedian soon had them rolling in the aisles. 那滑稽演员很快就逗得他们捧腹大笑。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- DJs use cross fader to achieve a seamless transfer of sounds. 音乐节目主持人用平滑转换机来达成天衣无缝的声音转换效果。
- The diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy. 这只钻石戒指闪耀夺目。
- He's a rolling stone and got no where all his life. 他见异思迁,毕生一事无成。