- A seam broke open at the sleeve. 袖子上接缝处裂开了一点。
- The railroad will open at the end of the decade, two years hence. 这条铁路本世纪末通车,离现在还有两年时间。
- The problem puts us at cross purposes with them. 这个问题使我们与他们之间产生了矛盾。
- The two students found themselves at cross purposes with the teacher. 两位学生发觉自己与老师之间有种误解。
- Why do you make your door stay open at this hour? 这时候你怎么还大敞着门?
- He kept the book open at the bewitching portrait. 他把书翻在这迷人的肖像一页上。
- The Bible lay open at suitalbe place. 圣经打开着,放在一个适当的位置上。
- The doctor has an opening at 3: 00 p.m. 医生下午三点钟有时间。
- Albert's opinion is always at cross purposes with Jim's. 艾尔伯特的意见总是和吉姆的相反。
- The shops usually open at nine o'clock. 商店一般在九点钟开始营业。
- May: Food and Cultivated Systems Cross Cut Washington DC, USA (IFPRI). 5月:粮食与耕作系统综合会议,美国华盛顿特区(国际粮食政策研究所-IFPRI)。
- seam opening at cross-cut 石门揭煤
- The two students find themselves at cross purpose with the teacher. 两位学生发觉自己与老师之间有种误解。
- Today , opening at high and closing at low la ..... 开始玩减升;市况愈来愈差.;就快出现转角市
- The coating has flaked along the edges and/or at hte intersections of the cuts.A cross cut area significantly greater than 5%,but not significantly greater than 15% is affected. 涂层在线的边缘和或线交叉点有破损,破损面积明显大于正方形总面积的5%25,但小于正方形总面积的15%25。
- The salesmen were working at cross purposes with their supervisor. 售货员与他们负责人的意见南辕北辙。
- We open at eight o'clock in the evening. 我们每天晚上8点钟开门。
- Press the seam open and carefully align the underlay before pinning the right sides together. 正面合在一起之前,先将缝线烫开并仔细地将缝的粗缝线。
- The lady at the tourist office told me it opened at 1 pm. 旅行社的那位小姐告诉我下午一点开门。
- The shops usually open at nine o' clock. 商店一般在九点钟开始营业。