- The deal needs the government's seal of approval. 这一交易需经政府批准。
- Their handshake was a seal of friendship. 他们的握手是友谊的象徵。
- The letter bears the seal of the king. 这封信有国王的封印。
- The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner. 这契约是由所有权人签名盖章的。
- Putting the seal of approval on the scheme fell outside his province. 对这个计划拍板定案超出他的职权范围。
- Pls advise the ETD, ETA and the name of Vessel. 请通知:预计的开船时间;预计到达的时间和船名.
- A handshake is the seal of friendship. 握手是友谊的表示。
- He told me this under the seal of secrecy. 他告诉我这件事,约定要严守秘密。
- The seal of truth is simplicity. 真理的标志就是朴素。
- The 48 percent of vessel elements have vesicular tylosis. 48%25的导管分子具有囊状侵填体;
- Hermetic: Airtight sealing of an object. 全密封:一种对物体不透气的密封。
- The Seal"means the Common Seal of the Foundation. 公章"指基金会的公章。
- He broke the seal of the letter. 他把信的封口拆了。
- They provide a seal of approval. 品牌意味着一种认同。
- Retrofit of axial seal of lye recycle pumps. 碱液循环泵轴封改造
- The scheme has the chairman's seal of approval. 这一计划得到主席的批准。
- Observation and Study of Vessel Elements of Secondary Xylem in. 次生木质部导管分子观察研究。
- Seal of Command: Clarified tooltip. 命令圣印:修正说明。
- All SS316L or Monel construction regardless of vessel material. 不管容器什么材料,刮擦器全部采用316L不锈钢或者铜镍合金。
- Seal of Justice is another big topic. 正义圣印是另一个很重要的话题。