- Roll forming process for double cone ring gasket 双锥环密封衬垫滚压成型工艺
- outer cone ring in a double cone synchronizer 双锥外锥环
- The paper describes the performance of double cone vacuum driers,and theoritically proves the importance and features of the said equipment in the production of cemented carbide powder. 通过对双圆锥真空干燥性能的介绍,从理论上论证了该设备在硬质合金粉末料生产过程中的重要作用和特点。
- The deal needs the government's seal of approval. 这一交易需经政府批准。
- Their handshake was a seal of friendship. 他们的握手是友谊的象徵。
- The letter bears the seal of the king. 这封信有国王的封印。
- The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner. 这契约是由所有权人签名盖章的。
- Putting the seal of approval on the scheme fell outside his province. 对这个计划拍板定案超出他的职权范围。
- double cone ring 双锥环
- A handshake is the seal of friendship. 握手是友谊的表示。
- The canopy walls are of double thickness. 该天盖壁是双层厚的。
- He told me this under the seal of secrecy. 他告诉我这件事,约定要严守秘密。
- The seal of truth is simplicity. 真理的标志就是朴素。
- Politics is too full of stories of double cross. 政治活动中充满欺骗与出卖。
- The Seal"means the Common Seal of the Foundation. 公章"指基金会的公章。
- Equilateral double cone frustums shell with restrained ends is adopted to avoid the occurrence of buckling at the equatorial ring weld when it is bulged without restrained ends. 针对等边双圆锥台壳体在自由胀形过程中,赤道环焊缝处产生失稳起皱现象,提出了壳体的内约束胀形工艺,实验证明,壳体端部加约束后成形过程中没有起皱现象发
- He broke the seal of the letter. 他把信的封口拆了。
- Bronze medal of double dragon design. 双龙图案铜牌一枚。
- They provide a seal of approval. 品牌意味着一种认同。
- What kind of double talk was this? 这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢?