- fluid filled pipe 充液管道
- Syringomyelia is a condition where a fluid filled sac develops in the spinal cord. 脊髓空洞症是一种脊髓病变,脊髓内形成包含液体的囊。
- Filled pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observes pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks. 将水管或铅管装置充满水或气,而后观察量压器,以查出漏水处。
- One or several small fluid filled lesions, tiny red bumps, or rash may form and can resemble small fissures, especially near the anus. 一个或数个小液填补了病变,细小的红色肿块,或红疹,可能形式,可以象小裂缝,尤其是靠近肛门。
- Throughout its growth, the fetus is well protected from injuries as it floats almost weightlessly inside a fluid filled sac called the amniotic sac. 在胎儿整个生长发育期间,他/她漂浮在羊水里而得到了很好的保护。
- TA Dean,LIU Zhenqing.Analysis of dispersion characteristics of ultrasonic longitudinal axisymmetric guided waves in viscous liquid filled pipes[J].Acta Acustica,2005,30(3):193-200. [5]他得安;刘镇清.;充粘液管材中超声纵向轴对称导波的频散特性分析[J]
- The solid cable design offers improved noise performance over fluid filled sections during periods of marginal weather conditions and is the strongest cable design in the industry. 固体电缆在恶劣气候条件下比液体电缆有更好的噪声性能,这种电缆在行业中是最坚固耐用的。
- The pericardium is always in views from the right side. Pericardial effusion will be recognize when a hypoechoic [fluid filled] space is present between the myocardium and pericardium. 总是从右侧图像观察心曩。藉由心肌与心包膜之间的低回音性空间[积液],可以辨认出心曩渗出液。
- Sound transmission through submerged, fluid filled elastic thin shell excited by incident acoustic waves in the interior domain was calculated using the coupled FEM and BEM method. 摘要利用耦合有限元与边界元方法计算了声波激励下浸没在无界流场中内部充满流体的弹性薄壳声透射。
- Banpo antimony deposit is a typical fracture-controlling and hydrothermal fluid filling deposit. 半坡锑矿床是典型的断裂控矿,热液充填型矿床。
- The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax. 图示血胸。外伤后,大量出血,充满胸膜腔,使右肺萎陷,并在血性液体中飘浮。
- Fluid may get into the chest: This is called hepatic hydrothorax and abdominal fluid fills your lung cavities (mostly on your right side). 腹水也许能进入胸部:这称为肝性胸水,腹腔内液体将肺部空袭充满,这个主要发生在在您的右边肺部)。
- Assimilating the filling pipe to a grounded conductor at the axis of the vessel,the electrostatic boundary problem is solved analytically. 将鹤管等效为储罐对称轴上的接地导体,推导了静电场边值问题的解析解。
- During mineralization tension of host spaceand ore fluid filling are simultaneous,formation of the host space is the result of fluid-frac-turing. 在成矿期间容矿空间的扩张与矿液的充填是同时的,容矿空间的形成是矿液液压致裂作用的结果。
- Filling Machine applicable to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, pesticides and special industries, is the ideal granular paste viscosity fluid filling equipment. 该灌装机适用于医药、日化、食品、农药及特殊行业,是理想的颗粒浆状粘度流体充填设备。
- Earth movements in the past elevated great area of the seabed. 地球过去的运动使海底大片地区隆起。
- Filling Machine applicable to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, pesticides and special industries, is the ideal granular paste viscosity fluid filling e... 该灌装机适用于医药、日化、食品、农药及特殊行业,是理想的颗粒浆状粘度流体充填设备。
- Fishing out his pipe, he filled it and puffed at it without a word. 他掏出烟斗,装满烟丝,一言不发地抽了起来。
- Is suitable to the medicine, the date, food, the agricultural chemicals and the special profession, is the ideal pellet pulpous state viscosity fluid fills the equipment. 适用于医药、日化、食品、农药及特殊行业,是理想的颗粒浆状粘度流体充填设.
- The royal palace was filled with intrigue. 皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。