- Overhauling main engine after sea trial. 主机航行试验后的拆检。
- Manoeuving test of steering gear during sea trial. 舵机应急操舵试验。
- Function test of radio console on sea trial. 航行试验中组装报务台效用试验。
- Function test of radar on sea trial (mooring test). 航行试验(系泊试验)中雷达效用试验。
- Anchoring and weighing test of windlass on sea trial. 锚机航行中抛起锚试验。
- The ship successfully underwent sea trials in coastal waters. 那条船在近海水域试航成功.
- Precision automatic landing system to start sea trials. 精确自动着陆系统将开始海上试验。
- The main engine must undergo both mooring and sea trials. 主机必须经过系泊试验和航行试验。
- Calibration constant error and function for gyro-compass on sea trial. 航行试验中电罗经固定误差校正和效用试验。
- Change over test between shaft generator and diesel generator on sea trial. 航行试验中轴带发电机与柴油发电机之间的换车试验。
- Mooring test(sea trial) of M.E.and inspection attached pumps and piping system. 主机系泊(航行)试验并检查其附属泵与管路。
- Yorktown CV-5 running stern first during sea trials off Rockland, Maine in July 1937. 1937年在缅因州的罗克兰海岸,美国航空母舰约克镇号CV-5海试全速倒车。
- Mooring test(sea trial) of M.E. And inspection attached pumps and piping system. 主机系泊(航行)试验并检查其附属泵与管路。
- Measuring deflection of crank shaft of M.E. before starting up(after sea trial). 主机动车前(航行试验后)曲轴甩档测量。
- Function test and calibration self-heterodyne curve for direction finder on sea trial. 航行试验中测向仪效用试验及自差曲线校正。
- The Navy’s first trimaran LCS, Independence (LCS 2), is in the final stages of construction and testing in preparation for its upcoming sea trials. 海军第一艘三舱式濒海战斗舰,“独立号”濒海战斗舰2已经进入了建造后期,并准备即将举行的海上试航。
- "Smart" nuclear submarine is the first signs of green sea trial when it left traces of the algae. “机敏号”核潜艇艇首的绿色痕迹是对它进行海试时所留下的藻类痕迹。
- An accident aboard a Russian nuclear-powered submarine similar to this one during sea trials killed at least 20 people, officials said today. 今日据官员称,一艘类似于这艘的核动力潜艇在海上试航时发生意外,造成至少20人死亡。
- The Navy may spend months planning and even more years constructing a battleship, but if it doesn't survive the sea trials, then its work is for nothing. 海军建造军舰要花几年的工夫,但如果不能做到滴水不漏,通不过最后检验,整个工程都是白费。
- The theoretical and sea trial results showed that the lateral wave can not be ignoredin short or even middling distance in deep sea. 理论与海试结果表明,侧面波在近距离及深海中等距离是不可忽略的。