- scuttle any chance of peace 毁掉和平的一切机会
- This is that Hamas has spent its year in government clinging stubbornly to a rejectionist mantra that closes off almost any chance of peace with Israel. 那就是哈马斯在其执政的这一年中一直顽强的倾向于反对派那种封锁所有与以色列恢复和平机会的主张。
- Any chance of a lower price from you? 你能不能要价低一点?
- The weather conditions ruled out any chance of hunting that day. 那样的天气情况打消了任何打猎的念头。
- Is there any chance of the team winning this week? 这个队本星期有无获胜的机会?
- Any chance of using your telephone? 可以用一下你的电话吗?
- Any chance of a lift to the railway station? 能让我搭车到火车站?
- Any chance of using your washroom? 可以用一下你的洗手间吗?
- Any chance of speaking to your boss now? 有可能现在和你的老板说话吗?
- Oh,any chance of a table by the window? 有没有靠近窗户的桌位?
- Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight? 有可能弄到今晚的票吗?
- Is there any chance of attending your lecture ? 有可能听你的讲座吗
- Neither man had any chance of winning Iowa. 他们两个都没有机会赢得爱荷华州的选举。
- Any chance of meeting the professor? 有可能见见这位教授吗?
- Oh, any chance of a table by the window? 有没有靠近窗户的桌位?
- Oh, any chance of table by window? 有没有可能订靠近窗子的桌位?
- Take the raincoat by any chance of rain. 带上雨衣,也许会下雨。
- Is there any chance of a table by the window? 能否订一张靠窗户的桌子呢?
- Is there any chance of a table for three tonight? 能否订一张今晚的三人桌呢?
- Is there any chance of attending your lecture? 有可能听你的讲座吗?