- They scuffled with reporters. 他们与记者扭打起来。
- She is deft at dealing with reporters. 她善於与记者周旋。
- He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer. 他和一名摄影记者扭打起来。
- The police scuffled with the demonstrators. 警察和示威群众混战起来。
- Oswald was subdued after a scuffle with a second policeman in a nearby theater. 奥斯瓦德在剧场附近与第二名警察搏斗后被逮捕。
- A politician who relishes a joust with reporters. 喜欢和记者过不去的政治家
- 1. They scuffled with reporters. 他们与记者撕打起来。
- The gruff ruffian's ruffled cuff is scuffed in the scuffle with the shuffler. 在与洗牌者的混战中,粗暴暴徒的皱袖口被磨破。
- He is very deft at dealing with reporters. 他非常老练于应付记者。
- The building was thick with reporters. 大楼里挤满了记者.
- scuffle with reporters 与记者斯打起来.
- The actress exchanged banter with reporters. 女演员与记者们互开玩笑。
- Eg: The actress exchanged banter with reporters. 女演员与记者相互开玩笑。
- Prince Harry, third in line to the throne, was leaving a nightclub when he ended up in a scuffle with the photographer. 身为王位第三顺位继承人的哈利王子,在离开一家夜店时和摄影师发生冲突。
- After Robinson was pulled following a scuffle with Paul, the Knicks hung on for a 103-93 win at the Garden. 在罗宾逊和保罗动手之后被拉出场外,尼克斯咬住了这场在麦迪逊花园103-93的胜利。
- With United 3-1 up at Old Trafford at the time, the Portuguese winger got involved in a scuffle with Lucas Neill. 在曼联3比1领先时,纳尼与尼尔发生冲突。虽然尼尔肯定先激怒纳尼,但是纳尼用头撞对手的报复方式使得他被红牌罚下。
- He bantered with reporters and posed for photographers. 他和记者们打趣,并摆姿势让他们拍照。
- The demonstrators scuffled with the police. 示威者与警方人员混战。
- The room was filled with reporters who wanted to see the king. 房间中挤满了想见国王的记者。
- In a talk with reporters traveling with him in Kuwait, Mr. 鲍威尔在科威特向随行记者表示,美国对这个问题已经渐渐失去耐心。