- Please leave the door latch shut. 请把门闩上。
- The purpose of a screen door is to keep flies out. 纱门的作用是不让苍蝇飞进。
- Screen door on a submarine, you dork. 笨蛋,是潜水艇装纱门。
- The children stuck holes in the screen door. 孩子们把纱门戳了几个洞。
- Screen door on a submarine ,you dork. 笨蛋,是潜水艇装纱门。
- Soon, Jeremy heard the screen door slam. 一会,杰瑞米听到屏风砰地一声被关上。
- For example: R1 service door upper guide and door latch on doorframe is worn. R1服务门上导轨和门框的门闩陈旧并且磨损。
- Fred skipped across the kitchen floor to the screen door. 弗雷德从厨房蹦蹦跳跳地来到门口。
- Please queue up and stand clear of the platform screen door. 请按箭头排队候车,勿依靠屏蔽门。
- He comes into the houses, banging the screen door behind him. 他走进屋子,用力带上他后面的纱门。
- That's about as funny as screen door on a battleship. 那和战舰装纱门一样好笑。
- Groggily wending my way in the dark to the bathroom, I secured the door latch to make sure I would have no further interruptions of much-needed sleep. 我摸黑一路摇摇晃晃地走到浴室将门栓关好,免得再次打断我宝贵的睡眠,
- The man who put in the screen door became a handyman. 修补屏风门的男人成了一个杂务工;
- Unsteadily working my way(in the dark)to the bathroom,I secured the door latch to (make sure)my sleep was not interrupted again. 在黑夜中我不平衡的到了厕所,去确定么关好了以免再次被吵醒。
- The beauty of autumnal maple leaves appears through a screen door. 红熟的枫叶的美透过镜头呈现出来。
- Okay, well, you're going to want to check if you've got a solid latch on your screen doors so it doesn't lightly open and shut in the evening breeze. 好的,嗯,你应该检查纱门上的锁是否牢固,这样它才不会在晚上微微打开和放入微风。
- A "earthquake" of calling for his class who blasts the pot, we Yong Zhao Menkou to panic. But also the classroom door latch with. 一个箭步,距离门口最近的李佳萍第一个冲过去,拔掉门闩,随手把身边的几个学生推出门后,又神色紧张地退步到讲台上,拍着手大声喊:“地震了,同学们快跑!”
- The company mainly produces door latch, motor and window regulator, serving the world's leading OEMs like VW, Ford, Mazda, Hyundai, DPCA, and Chery etc. 企业主要生产门锁、马达及玻璃升降器,主要客户为大众、福特、马自达、现代、神龙、奇瑞等大型主机厂。
- Suddenly,Mike's dad burst through the rickety screen door and onto the porch. 突然,迈克的爸爸推开那扇摇摇晃晃的门走进了门廊。
- Suddenly, Mike's dad burst through the rickety screen door and onto the porch. 突然,迈克的爸爸推开那扇摇摇晃晃的门走进了门廊。