- scratch their backvt. 帮助
- He will do almost anything for the poor, except get off their back. 他几乎任何事情都愿意为穷人做,除了从他们的背上下来以外。
- Misers put their back and their belly into pockets. 守财奴宁可打赤膊饿肚皮也舍不得掏腰包。
- Misers put their back and belly into their pockets. 守财奴宁肯挨饿受冻也舍不得花钱。
- Don't talk against others behind their backs. 不要背着别人说人家的坏话。
- They fought on with their back to the wall. 他们背水而战。
- They keep chickens in their back garden. 他们在后花园养鸡。
- I stood behind their back, didn't move immediately. 我站在他们背后,并没有马上离开。
- Never speak ill of others behind their back. 绝对不要在背后说别人的坏话。
- They reared tomatoes in their back yard. 他们在后院种番茄。
- Past studies of liars in the UK have also found that people scratch their nose and mouth more often if they are bluffing or telling lies. 过去在英国做过对撒谎者的研究,研究表明,人们在虚张声势或撒谎时会更频繁地挠口鼻。
- Indian manufacturers scratch their heads in bafflement atChina's ability to undercut them. 印度制造商们对于中国人为什么能抢走他们的生意感到百思不得其解。
- Dry empty-handed woman with scratch their careers can also prove that a man's ability. 两手空空干女人与白手起家干事业同样可以证明一个男人的能力.
- It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their backs. 在背後讲人坏话是卑鄙的。
- I saw women patrolling the streets with rifles on their backs. 我看到妇女背著枪在街上巡逻。
- Leaving authorities scratching their heads. 当局仍毫无头绪。
- The team were with their back at the wall in the second half. 队员们在下半时曾打得很艰难。
- They were only scratching their heads. 他们都只是抓痒头上.
- I see women patrol the street with rifle on their back. 我看到妇女背著枪在街上巡逻。
- It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their back. 在背后讲人坏话是卑鄙的。