- He is scornful of material things. 他对物质享受不屑一顾。
- scornful of material things 藐视物质方面的享受
- In the sphere of material things giving means being rich. 在物质的范围内,给予意味着富有。
- Discern that personal power does not come form the possession of material things alone. 务必了解人的力量并非全然来自物质而已。
- We are scornful of the forces of convention. 我们藐视习惯势力。
- Bill would think scorn of such a thing. 比尔是会藐视这种事情的。
- In the clear light of the moon and the stars I have meditated upon the existence of material things. 在明澈如洗的星月之下,我沉思过物质的存在及其构造。
- The small weak child became the scorn of the class. 这个瘦小软弱的孩子成为全班嘲笑的对象。
- The most terrible poverty is not the poverty of material things, but the poverty of willpower. 最可怕的贫困是意志的缺乏!
- That guy is the scorn of the school. 那家伙受到全校的鄙视。
- He thinks scorn of any man who yields before difficulties. 他瞧不起任何在困难面前屈服的人。
- Discern that personal power does not come form the possession of material things alone.Mahatma Gandhi led his nation to freedom without a fortune. 务必了解人的力量并非全然来自物质而已。甘地领导他的人民争取自由所依靠的并非财富。
- In the case of material things, we are strongly inclined to think that the spatial basis for distinguishing parts has to work. 在物质东西的例子中,我们强烈地倾向于认为对有区别的部分来说空间基础是起作用的。
- Without the accumulation of material things or the concept of gaining and losing, the mind is naturally free from obstructions. 没有得失的牵绊,没有物质的积累,心灵自然没有罣碍。
- Discern that personal power does not come form thepossession of material things alone.Mahatma Gandhi ledhis nation to freedom without a fortune. 务必了解人的力量并非全然来自物质而已。甘地领导他的人民争取自由所依靠的并非财富。
- The storm did a great deal of material damage. 暴风雨造成了大量物质损失。
- He's scornful of the temptations of money. 他不屑金钱的诱惑。
- What is more important is that Wei Hui's characters are fundamentally the products of a commercialized lifestyle. They are very fond of material things and fairly snobbish. 更重要的,卫慧笔下的人物根本就是商品化生活的产物,对物质非常依恋相当势利眼。
- He thinks scorn of wastefulness in his superiors. 他蔑视他的上级挥霍浪费。
- The reply is simple: By the law of growth.Cause and effect are as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of material things. 你的奇思妙想、你的雄心壮志、你的愿望、期盼或许会步步受阻,然而你内心深处的想法完全可以找到表达的方式,如同植物的种子发芽长叶一般自然。