- Mary always likes to score off people when she can. 只要有机会,玛丽总爱出别人的洋相。
- She needs to win this point to level the score. 她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。
- Score the paper to make it easy to fold. 在纸上先划好印子,以便折叠。
- The last goal evened up the score. 最后一球把比分拉平了。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- The score was tied several times. 比分屡次出现平局。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- You need have no worries on that score. 你不必担心那件事。
- I am not really familiar with the local laws. 实际上我对当地的法律并不熟。
- The President swings his weight to get laws passed. 总统运用权力使法律获得通过。
- Frank beat andrew with close score. 弗兰克以接近的比分击败安德鲁。
- Every citizen should be obedient to the law. 每个公民都应当是遵守法律的。
- That is where you score over others. 那是你优于别人的地方。
- That pig will weight4 score, dead weight. 那只猪重80磅,宰掉后的净重。
- The government is tightening up the driving laws. 政府方面正抓紧驾驶法规的施行。
- The new man doesn't know the score yet. 新来的那个人对实际情况尚不熟悉。
- Laws against child abuse should be stiffened up. 反对虐儿童的法律应该严格执行。
- Physics is governed by cosmic laws. 物理学受宇宙法则的制约。
- He is accused because offending electoral law. 他因被指控触犯选举法而遭逮捕。
- He's make a good score in track and field event. 他正在田径赛中取得好成绩。