- Scores of people attended the rally. 有许多人参加了示威活动
- Scores of people arrived at the stadium, excited to see the game. 大量人群涌入了体育馆,兴奋地想要观看比赛。
- In both towers,scores of people lost chances to escape. 在两座大楼里,有几十人失去了逃生的机会。
- There are scores of people there, maybe eighty or more. 那里有好多人, 也许有80个或者更多。
- Two buildings collapsed, trapping scores of people in the rubble. 两幢大楼塌了,很多人被困在瓦砾里。
- In both towers, scores of people lost chances to escape. 在两座大楼里,有几十人失去了逃生的机会。
- Scores of people have been hurt in running battles with police. 很多人在与警方的冲突中受伤。
- Some scores of people acknowledged that there was a crisis. 数十个人都承认存在着一场危机。
- There were scores of people there, maybe eighty or more. 聚在那里的人很多,大约有八十来个。
- Scores of people were rushed to hospitals in the city. 许多人冲进城里的医院。
- Scores of people went there in the first few days after its opening. 开张的头几天,许许多多人到那家餐馆去就餐。
- An earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Java, killing scores of people. 印度尼西亚的爪哇岛遭遇地震袭击,造成大量人员死亡。
- Scores of people have applied to work at a Rhode Island's strip club. 本内特教皇周日参加了一个非洲人民欢庆聚会。
- Scores of people had already entered into disembodied imaginary worlds.Research worlds. 许多人已经开始研究这种脱离肉体的想象世界,更准确的说,研究世界。
- He's been to Hong Kong scores of times. 他曾多次去过香港。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- I noticed scores of sorrow on her face. 我注意到她脸上悲痛的痕迹。
- She says scores of people have disappeared in the country, especially in Baluchistan Province. 她说,巴基斯坦已经有数百人这样失踪,特别是在俾路支省。
- And the U.S. and Britain are airlifting by helicopter scores of people with ecial needs. 美国和英国动用直升机把有特殊需要的人运出黎巴嫩。
- Iranian state television reports that a bomb explosion in a mosque has killed scores of people in southern Iran. 伊朗国家电视台报道称,伊朗南部设拉子城一个清真寺发生爆炸,造成数十人死亡。