- You have to put your total number of dives in scientific notation. 你不得不用科学技术法记录你的总潜数。
- Scientific Uses standard scientific notation, providing two significant digits. 使用标准的科学表示法,提供两个有效位。
- Decimals and scientific notation are permissible for numeric values. 对于数值,允许使用小数和科学记数法。
- Using scientific notation, the exponent is indicated either by E or e. 使用科学计数法时,指数用E或者e表示。
- Using scientific notation, the exponent can be written as either E or e. 使用科学计数法,指数可写作"e"或"E"。
- This function rejects strings representing numeric values that use scientific notation. 此函数拒绝使用了科学计数法表示数值的字符串。
- We can use either common decimal notation or scientific notation to write floating-point literal constants. 通常可以用十进制或者科学计数法来表示浮点字面值常量。
- BULK INSERT supports string-to-decimal type conversion for strings representing numeric values that use scientific notation. BULK INSERT支持将使用科学计数法表示数值的字符串从字符串类型转换为十进制类型。
- The number of '0' characters following the scientific notation indicator determines the minimum number of digits to output for the exponent. 跟在科学记数法指示符后面的“0”字符数确定指数输出的最小位数。
- To find the common log of a number, we first write it in scientific notation with one figure to the left of the decimal point. 为了求一个数的常用对数,首先按照科学计数法把它写作小数点左面具有一位的数。
- To work around this behavior in SQL Server 2005, use a format file to bulk import scientific notation float data into a decimal column. 若要在SQL Server 2005中实现此行为,请使用格式化文件将科学记数法float数据大容量导入小数列中。
- Math:angles, volume, factoring, decimals, percent, scientific notation, fractions, surface area, sales tax, graphing, word problems. 数学:角,体积,因式分解,小数,百分数,科学符号,分数,展开图,计算税,图标,字符问题。
- The number is converted to the most compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation, depending on the type of the number and whether a precision specifier is present. 根据数字类型以及是否存在精度说明符,数字会转换为固定点或科学记数法的最紧凑形式。
- For example, a numeric value can be formatted in hexadecimal, scientific notation, or a series of digits separated into groups with a user-specified punctuation mark. 例如,可以将数值格式化为十六进制、科学记数法或者由用户指定的标点符号分隔成组的一系列数字。
- When casting a value of type xs: float or xs: double, or any one of their subtypes, to a string or untypedAtomic type, the value is represented in scientific notation. 将xs:float或xs:double类型或者它们任意子类型的值转换为字符串类型或untypedAtomic类型的值时,该值将以科学记数法表示。
- In SQL Server version 7.0 And SQL Server 2000, BULK INSERT supports string-to-decimal type conversion for strings representing numeric values that use scientific notation. 在SQL Server版本7.;0和SQL Server 2000中;BULK INSERT支持将使用科学计数法表示数值的字符串从字符串类型转换为小数类型。
- For one of the cells of this animal species, what is the maximum number of calcium ions that can be bound by its calmodulin molecules, expressed in scientific notation, if necessary? 其中一个细胞,这个动物物种,什么是人数最多钙离子可以约束其钙调素的分子,表示在科学记数,如果有必要?
- Example of Importing a Numeric Value that Uses Scientific Notation 导入使用科学记数法的数值的示例
- He made a notation on his engagement calendar. 他在约会日程上作了记载。
- A true scientific law admits of no exception. 真正的科学定律不允许有例外。