- USA is a science and technique advanced country. 美国是一个科学技术发达的国家.
- The advanced science and technique have opened door for rural women to become prosperity. 先进的科学技术给农村妇女打开了致富大门。
- Firstly, based on thriving agriculture through science and education to provide rural women trainings in education, science and technique. 一、是立足于科教兴农,对农村妇女开展文化科技培训。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Modern science and technique will proviede more "bio - materials" of taxol to meet the demands of worldwide market. 借助现代科学技术干预紫杉醇生物原料发掘途径,将极大地丰富紫杉醇生物原料供给和满足国内外市场对紫杉醇的需求。
- Firstly,based on thriving agriculture through science and education to provide rural women trainings in education,science and technique. 一、是立足于科教兴农,对农村妇女开展文化科技培训。
- It has to be pointed out that one and the same word may have different meaning in different branches of science and technique. 必须指出:同一个词在不同的学科和专业中可以有不同的含义。
- The chief unit of science and technique innovation platform of the modernization of Chinese herbal medicine in ShanXi province. 山西省中药现代化科学技术创新平台首席单位。
- According to the practice of numerical control remould for outofdate machine by use of high science and technique,there wil... 实践表明,采用高科技对老机床进行数字化改造,花钱少见效快,适合我国现阶段国情。
- The modern humanism revived because of the tragedy and threat from a war, bad influence of science and technique and people's own crisis. 战争的悲剧和威胁、科学技术的非人道后果、人自身的危机是当代人文主义复兴之原因。
- Objective: To explore the science and technique of single - nostril transsphenoidal approach for microsurgical removal of pituitary adenomas. 目的:探讨经单鼻孔-蝶窦入路显微手术切除垂体腺瘤的科学性和实用技术技巧。
- During the exhibition,there are also lectures on agricultural science and technique,consulting service and demonstration of skills by the women pacesetters. 展览期间还将组织农业科技讲座、咨询服务、女能手现场操作表演等活动。
- It is of benefit to the advancement of the science and technique,to the development of education,to the news and press,to the advancement of the morality and idea. 它有力地促进了科学技术的进步与更新,教育事业的发展,新闻出版事业的发展,社会伦理道德的进步,以及人们的思想观念的更新。
- During the exhibition, there are also lectures on agricultural science and technique, consulting service and demonstration of skills by the women pacesetters. 展览期间还将组织农业科技讲座、咨询服务、女能手现场操作表演等活动。
- It was reported in 1998 by the newspapers "Science and Technique Ribao" and "Yangtze Wanbao" that kimberlite had been discovered in Hutoushan of Longyou county,Zhejiang. 据1998年两报刊报道,浙江龙游虎头山发现一粒1/5米粒大小的金刚石,并确认含该金刚石的岩石为金伯利岩。
- The science and technology of space flight. 航天学,宇宙航行学研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术
- Fifth is that chemistry teaching material establishment emphasize universal science and technique knowledge, and increase citizens chemistry science attainments. 五是化学教材编制强调普及科学技术知识,提高公民的化学科学素养。
- For this aim, we should reform the traditional economic system, emancipate the productive forces further and open to the world, learn the advanced science and technique. 为了实现这一目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产力;我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其他国家的先进的科学和技术。
- Science and religion come into collision on the question. 科学与宗教在这问题上意见互相对立。
- That branch of science and technology concerned with methods and techniques for converting any form of information to or from microform. 研究将任何形式的信息替换成为缩微形式或将缩微形式转换成某种形式的信息的方法与工艺的科学与技术分支。