- They were quite right in opposing the old stereotype and the old dogma and in advocating science and democracy. 他们反对旧八股、旧教条,主张科学和民主,是很对的。
- In cities people talked about science and democracy,but feudalism flourished on the land. 在城里,人们高谈科学和民主,可是在农村,封建主义仍然在泛滥。
- At this opinion we can know that Metron's theory are focused on the relation of science and democracy. 在这样的背景下,默顿提出的科学的规范结构解决了那个时代科学与民主的问题。
- They longed for science and democracy on one hand and they were equally troubled with nihility, an inevitable result of Modernity. 透过现代性视阈的考察,我们看到东亚佛教思想家们面对西方现代性挑战时,表现出了复杂的矛盾心情:一方面,他们对科学、民主深表向往,另一方面又对现代性所导致的虚无深表忧虑。
- We work at disseminating the progressive idea and values of CFI-Transnational, improving the development of science and democracy on the globe. 我们致力于传播国际探索中心的先进理念,促进科学和民主在全球的发展。
- We work at disseminating the progressive ideas and values of CFI-Transnational, improving the development of science and democracy on the globe. 我们致力于传播国际探索中心的先进理念,促进科学和民主在全球的发展。
- So he advocated science and democracy,regarding science as an ideal form of knowledge,using it as the weapon to fight agaist obscurantism. 因此他高举科学与民主的旗帜,他把科学视为理想的知识形态,把科学当作反对蒙昧主义的锐利武器,主张以科学改造中国社会。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- During the May 4th Movement, modern-minded people opposed the use of the classical Chinese language and advocated vernacular Chinese, opposed the traditional dogmas and advocated science and democracy, all of which was quite right. 五四运动时期,一班新人物反对文言文,提倡白话文,反对旧教条,提倡科学和民主,这些都是很对的。
- This was cooperation and democracy at their best. 这是通力合作和民主作风的大发扬。
- The science and technology of space flight. 航天学,宇宙航行学研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术
- Science and religion come into collision on the question. 科学与宗教在这问题上意见互相对立。
- The flag stands for freedom and democracy. 这旗子代表自由与民主。
- On the Slogan of "Science and Democracy Should Be Given Equal Emphasis" 浅论"科学与民主并重"的口号
- Bhattarai: Our arms are not against them( SPA) and democracy. 巴塔拉依:我们的军队不是反对他们(党联盟)民主的。
- "We fought the Nazis for the sake of Belgian justice and democracy. 阿图尔·霍洛特说:“我们为比利时的正义和民主而同纳粹作斗争。
- Science and technology are auxiliary to each other. 科学和技术是相辅相成的。
- He uttered a few commonplaces about peace and democracy. 他泛泛地谈了几句关于和平与民主的话.
- To its friends, it is the fount of freedom and democracy. 这是一种对一般威胁做出的过度强烈的反应。
- Can Science and Religion Reach Conciliation? 科学与宗教:能否走向和解?