- schools of disabled armymen 荣誉军人学校
- A hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣。
- He has often been late for school of late. 他近来经常迟到。
- A new minister has been appointed to watch over the welfare of disabled people. 已任命了一个新部长负责残疾人的福利工作。
- He graduated from a school of crafts and arts. 他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。
- I know a lot of disabled people need my help. 我知道很多残疾人需要帮助。
- She's just graduated from the School of Cookery. 她刚从烹饪学校毕业。
- She attended a school of dress design. 她就读於一所服装设计学校。
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- Great progress was made in advancing the cause of disabled people. 残疾人事业有了很大发展。
- Make way while walking, offer your seats when boarding and give way to them for purchasing on receiving the elders, children, women and disabled armymen. 对待老、幼、妇、残废军人、行走让路,乘车让座,购物让先。
- The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children. 这本小册子对于残疾儿童的父母会很有用。
- He and his wife are supporters of disabled children. 他和他妻子是残疾儿童的支持者。
- I don't belong to the school of thought that favours radical change. 我不属於激进派。
- He fathered a school of notable poets. 他创立了著名诗人的流派。
- Taught at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. 曾任教于麻省理工斯隆管理学院。
- My own view diverges from both schools of thought. 我的观点与以上两种流派的观点都是有分歧的。
- A school of small fish were swimming in the pool. 一群小鱼正在池水中游曳。
- The number of special schools and the number of disabled students increased by 91.15 percent and 345.97 percent over the 1990 figures respectively. 特殊教育学校和在校残疾学生人数分别比1990年增长91.;15%25和345
- Hello, this is Ross from the School of Music. 喂,我是音乐学校的罗丝。