- The school authority decided to recruit teachers from the excellent graduates. 校方决定从优秀毕业生中招聘老师。
- The plan had the approval of the school authorities. 计划得到学校当局的认可。
- Will individual schools be given the right to opt out of the local school authority? 各个学校可能有权选择退出地方教育局吗?
- He has drag with the school authorities. 他和学校当局很有些交情,他在学校当局那里说话挺管用。
- He wasdenied opportunity in other ways. The school authority denied the student's request. 校方拒绝了学生的请求。
- The school authorities turned Jack out for cheating in the exam. 学校当局把杰克开除了,因为他考试作弊了。
- A school authority owes a duty of care to students to maintain the safety of the students. 校方对学生的安全负有注意照顾义务。
- Our plan has been approved by the school authorities. 我们的计划得到校方的批准。
- Bestow virtual blank cheque on the school authorities. 授学校当局以实际上的全权。
- The school authorities award the student a grant of. 学校颁发给这个学生贰千元人民币。
- It would be better if the school authorities should see to it. 似应由学校领导处理。
- Our school authorities censured Mr. A for his miscon-duct. (我们学校当局责备A先生的不当行为。)
- Our disgraced teacher was publicly rehabilitated by school authorities. 学校当局为我们的蒙受耻辱的老师公开恢复了名誉。
- Our suggestions for change have met with approval form the school authorities. 我们关于改革的建议得到了校方的赞同。
- Approvalby acclamation The plan had the approvalof the school authorities. 计划得到学校当局的认可。
- Our suggestions for change have met with approval from the school authorities. 我们关于改革的建议得到了校方的赞同。
- Therefore, only by well handling the administrative relations among the school authority arid its functional departments and affiliated faculties can a scientific and reasonable system be constructed. 只有厘清学校层面、职能部门层面和院系层面的管理关系,才能形成科学、合理的思想政治理论课社会实践管理体制。
- With the decision of the school authority to resort to English for science and mathematics almost five decades later, the unflinching spirit of the generations past now seems to have spent itself. 在近半世纪之后,校方决定采用英文本的科学和数学,过去几代人大无畏的精神到今天似乎自己消亡了。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- Nor have we provided a channel for communications between students and the school authorities on the basis of equality. 以及同校方平等沟通的渠道。