- scanner interface card 扫描器接口插件
- Test using the IP address of your computer network interface card. 请使用您的计算机网络接口卡的IP地址进行测试。
- Because, it needs to manufacture the interface card, the cost will be high. 由于需要制作适配卡,所以成本高昂。
- It could be that your Network Interface Card provides TFTP boot functionality. 您的网卡很有可能提供了TFTP引导功能。
- If cabling is correct, power off the device and reseat the interface card. 假如缆线连接是正确的,关掉设备且重新插入介面卡。
- For best performance, use a dedicated network interface card (NIC) for mirroring. 为获得最佳性能,请为镜像使用专用网络接口卡(NIC)。
- Provide the network interface card (NIC) number followed by a port number in the Via Parameters box. 在“VIA参数”框中,提供网络接口卡(NIC)编号,后跟端口号。
- A PC with CAN interface card is connected to an OMRON's DeviceNet master to form a design and debugging environment. 在PC机上插入一块控制局域网(CAN)适配卡并与OMRON的DeviceNet主站连接组成DeviceNet的调试环境。
- The paper also introduces stepper motor,IPC5375 interface card and Labwindows/CVI. 介绍了一种利用工控机和IPC5375接口卡,对步进电机实现高精度定位和速度控制的方案。
- Image and Scanner Interface Specification 图像和扫描仪接口规范
- In this thesis we develope a DSP interface card, with subroutines and application examples. 中 文 摘 要本文以数位讯号处理微电脑介面板之设计, 实作与应用为主, 除介绍硬体电路外并提供相关介面函式及范例以供参考使用。
- A simple method to realize a GPIB controller Is to connect a GPIB interface card to a PC in which driver and OS are required. GPIB控制机的最简单的实现方法是在一台PC机上挂接一个GPIB控制器,并辅以相应的驱动软件和控制软件。 GPIB控制器必须要有联结PC机的接口。
- Then the paper discusses the contents of the packet32, the structure of datagram and network interface card, and how to use it. 讨论了开发包的使用方法、开发包的主要文件内容以及网卡与数据包的结构,并简单介绍了网卡的四种工作模式:广播模式、组播模式、直接模式、混杂模式。
- The main parts of the FRAMP NIC (network interface card) are a powerful FPGA chip, some interface controllers and buffers. FRAMP网卡的主要组成部分是一个功能强大的FPGA芯片和一些接口控制器与缓冲器。
- The CTI industrial voice broadcast system has four main elements: telecom interface card, data collection module, manual keyboard, and CTI software. CTI工业语音播报系统的主要部件包括:电话接口卡、数据采集模块、手动播报键盘、CTI软件系统.
- When I was resolving hostname to unexpected IP address which did notresolve to my network interface card, this caused? trouble bringingup VUE. 我在将主机名解析为料想不到的IP地址,而没有解析为我的 网卡时,导致启动VUE时出现问题。
- SYS driver to place the Ethernet Interface Card in promiscuous mode to capture all the packets that travel through the network. SYS驱动设置以太网接口卡为混杂模式,用来捕获所有网络上的数据包。
- This system is composed of the computer disposed with the HP-IB interface card,the HP8592B spectrum analyzer and the HP-IB bus. 该系统由带有HP-IB接口卡的计算机、HP8592B型频谱分析仪以及HP-IB总线构成。
- The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。
- Our main products include: GY-POS cash registers, POS machines main chassis, the cash register box, the customer signs, pos machine interface card. 本厂生产的主要产品有: GY-POS收款机,POS机主机箱,收银箱,顾客显示牌,pos机接口卡。