- The worker fell down from the scaffold. 那个工人从脚手架掉了下来。
- I'll have to check the entries in the ledger. 我得核对一下总帐的项目。
- scaffold ledger 脚手架大横杆
- Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled. 那项交易已取消了,请从分类帐上划去那笔帐目。
- The brick-layer at the top of the scaffold is calling for more mortar. 脚手架顶上的砌砖工人喊着要人再送些灰浆上去。
- The calculation of ledger maximum bending moment and deformation the even load of scaffold board and live loads above the ledger. 按照大横杆上面的脚手板和活荷载作为均布荷载计算大横杆的最大弯矩和变形。
- Then, down he sank upon the scaffold! 随后,他就瘫倒在刑台上了!
- On the ledger, I saw rbs51, rbs101. 看了一眼账本,51卢比,101卢比。
- Only inspected scaffold can be used! 经过检查的脚手架方可使用。
- The steps led up to the scaffold. 台阶一直通向断头台。
- On the credit side of a ledger;prosperous. 富裕的在总帐目中有存款的一方的;富裕的
- She closed the ledger with a smack. 她啪的一声合上了账簿。
- He was about to be led to the scaffold when at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon. 就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了女王的赦免令。
- He mounted both the tumbril and scaffold with him. 他和他一同上囚车,一同上断头台。
- I'll have to check the entriesin the ledger. 我得核对一下总帐的项目。
- Will I be doing any posting of this ledger? 这些分类帐,我要不要登帐?
- An external work platform;a scaffold. 室外工作台;施工架
- Brain power can't be tallied on a ledger sheet. 脑力无法在账本上计算。
- The scaffold were believed to have curative powers. 人们认为绞刑架具有治病的功效。
- He brought the ledger for me to check. 他把总账拿来让我查账。