- The walls were painted white with a hint of peach. 墙壁粉刷成了略呈桃红的白色。
- Preliminary Study on Introduction of Peach. 桃的引种试验初报。
- A pretty face outshone the flowers of peach trees. 去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。
- Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil? 可是羔羊的疥癣应当使牧羊人却步吗?
- scab of peach 桃疮痂病
- There is a predominance of peach trees in this area. 这一地区以桃树为主。
- Two cups of peach juice a day keeps the doctor away. 榨桃子汁,早一杯,晚一杯。
- We bought a basketful of peaches. 我们买了满满一篮子桃子。
- The palate is very characteristic of peach and apricot. 激起的橡木香十分持久,使之令人回味无穷。
- I bought a basket of peaches yesterday. 我昨天买了一篮桃子。
- You are a sea of peach blooms, budding loneliness in earthly world. 你不是,你只是桃花一片,红尘中将寂寞开满。
- How much is a kilogram of peaches? 桃子多少钱一公斤?
- The bottom dropped out of the price of peaches. 桃子的价格惨跌。
- The disease is usually caused by a bacterium, e.g. common scab of potatoes (Streptomyces scabies), or a fungus, e.g. apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). 此种疾病通常由细菌或真菌引起,例如土豆的疮痂(由疥疮链霉菌引起),和苹果黑星病(由不等黑星菌引起)。
- Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil? No. But what a sheep! 可是羔羊的癣疥应当使牧人却步吗?不应当。况且那又是怎样的一头羔羊!
- A fresh vibrant wine displaying varietal characters of peach and pineapple. 特点:新鲜、活泼的酒体展现出带有近似于桃子和菠萝香气的品种特征。
- The disease since erythema of polymorphous and oozy sex is urgent, see more at young, with erosion scab of haemorrhage, blood is its feature. 多形渗出性红斑起病急,多见于青年人,以糜烂出血、血痂为其特征。
- The fairyland of peach blossom is bookmen's ideal "perching place of poesy". 世外桃源是文人理想中的诗意栖居。
- This paper The cause of the scab of the inside surface of cylinder block on condition that the resin sand cores are made in cold core box. 本文分析了冷芯盒村脂砂芯条件下缸体铸件内腔结疤的原因。
- This kind of peach wooden board afterwards is called "peachwood charm". 这种桃木板后来就被叫做“桃符”。