- See Table B for nominal head pressure. 常规地柱头压参考表B。
- They are led by a number of giants (see table 3). 几家大公司是其中的主角(见表3)。
- For the mounting and overall dimensions, see Table 4. 电动机的安装及外形尺寸见表4。
- The first edition is now available. See Table of Contents (PDF). 第一版现在有效。请参考内容列表(pdf).
- The first example (see Table 1*) is that of Walter Schloss. 第一个案例是华特-史洛斯。
- Syncope can be categorized based on the causative mechanism (See Table below). 根据诱发机制,晕厥可以分为几类。
- These policies and measures have greatly promoted the economic development of ethnic minority areas (see Table 3). 这些政策和措施有力地促进了少数民族地区的经济发展(见表三)。
- Two can indeed easily be explained as first overtones(see Table 115)which occur strongly because of Fermi resonance. 另外两条的确很容易解释为第一泛频(参看表115),它们的强度由于费密共振而增强。
- For detailed dimensional tolerance and technical data, please see table I、 table II. 详细的尺寸公差及技术指标见表I、ii。
- For a list of each action property and the values it accepts, see Table 1 in Transport Rule Actions. 有关各个操作属性及其所接受的值的列表,请参阅传输规则操作中的表1。
- See Table 3 for the action properties that you must use for Edge Transport servers. 有关必须用于边缘传输服务器的操作属性,请参阅表3。
- The surcharge will rise, fall or be removed in line with movements in fuel prices (see table below). 附加费将跟随油价之升跌而增加或减少(详情请见下表)。
- Two can indeed easily be explained as first overtones (see Table 115) which occur strongly because of Fermi resonance. 另外两条的确很容易解释为第一泛频(参看表115),它们的强度由于费密共振而增强。
- Specific Amines, generated from the decomposition of one or more azo group substances (see Table 1). 注2)特定胺(由1个以上的偶氮基分解生成)形成的偶氮化合物.
- The government fired a blunderbuss of money at it, with six different categories of intervention (see table). 美国政府通过六种不同的干预措施向AIG注入了大笔资金(见图表)。
- Others, such as IBM, Fujitsu and Toshiba, have active research efforts [see table above]. 除此之外,IBM、富士通以及东芝等也正在加紧研发。
- Property values are slumping in almost all of the 19 countries in our latest global survey (see table). 最近的全球调查显示19个国家的资产价格几乎普遍缩水(见上表)。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- Compared with the US expendable carrier rockets of the same category,the reliability of China's carrier rockets is by no means inferior (see table 1). 与美国同类的一次性使用运载火箭相比,中国运载火箭的可靠性毫不逊色(见下表)。
- Of the products of these genes in weight regulation. Two weeks after the parabiosis the weight of each mouse was determined (see table). 在手术两周后测量老鼠的体重(见下表)