- Has the Japanese Crested Ibis Been Saved from Extinction? 盼望朱鹭重归日本的天空?
- The American alligator is a rare success story of an endangered animal not only saved from extinction but now thriving. 美洲鳄是为数不多的濒危动物被拯救的案例,它不仅从灭绝的边缘被拯救过来,而且还兴旺发达。
- It was saved from extinction only because there happened to be some specimens in European zoos that were reintroduced to Mongolia in the 1980s. 普氏野马幸免于灭绝的唯一原因是他曾于1980年从欧洲动物园里被重新引入蒙古。
- The lower middle class, the small manufacturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan, the peasant, all these fight against the bourgeoisie, to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class. 中间等级,即小工业家、小商人、手工业者、农民,他们同资产阶级作斗争,都是为了维护他们这种中间等级的生存,以免于灭亡。
- The lower middle class,the small manufacturer,the shopkeeper,the artisan,the peasant,all these fight against the bourgeoisie,to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class. 中间等级,即小工业家、小商人、手工业者、农民,他们同资产阶级作斗争,都是为了维护他们这种中间等级的生存,以免于灭亡。
- The three Red Army men lived in a small village save from danger. 这三位红军战士住一个没有危险的小村子里。
- Beck’s Petrel flies back from extinction! [转贴]贝氏鹱重新被发现!
- She was fighting to save the glades from extinction for more than half a century right up until her death in 1998. 为了挽救濒于消亡的沼泽地,她奋斗了近半个世纪,直到1998年去世。
- Pragmatistic culture is in conformity with era taking surviving or saving the nation from extinction as theme. 实用主义文化是和以生存或救亡为主题的时代相适应的。
- By the grace of God, we have been saved from death. 谢谢上帝的慈悲,我们得救了。
- Russia temporarily stopped exporting black caviar and halted commercial fishing of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea recently in an effort to save the fish from extinction. 为了保护鲟鱼使之免于灭绝,俄罗斯最近暂时停止了黑鱼子酱的出口,并停止在里海的商业性捕鱼行动。
- To save the script, select Save from the File menu. 要保存脚本,从[文件]菜单中选择[保存]。
- Since 2004 the WWF have been working to save the Sumatran tigers from extinction. 从2004年开始,世界自然基金会致力于拯救苏门答腊虎,以防绝种。
- The reasons for saving these vultures from extinction could be framed in familiar terms: we have an ethical obligation to save the world's biodiversity for its own sake. 保护这些秃鹫、防止牠们灭绝的理由,可用一种听来熟悉的说法来诠释:我们对于世界的生物多样性,负有道义上的责任。
- The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction. 成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。
- Repay all your debts and start saving from this year. 偿还所有的债务,并从今年开始积极储蓄。
- Only three people were saved from the shipwreck. 在这次船失事中只有三人得救。
- The females were flown in last year in a bid to bring the males to mate and help save the Humboldt species from extinction. 去年,动物园为了让和雄性交配,引进了雌性企鹅,以防止洪堡企鹅灭绝。
- We should preserve the species such as black-faced spoonbills from extinction. 我们应该保护像黑面琵鹭这种鸟类免于绝迹.
- saving from extinction 救亡图存