- Keywords sapropel groundmass;water-covered swamp;exudatmite;coal-seam stabllity; 腐泥基质;过渡组分;渗出沥青体;煤层稳定性;
- sapropelic groundmass 腐泥基质
- Coal rock can be classified as humic and sapropelic coal. 在煤岩的分类中,有腐殖煤和腐泥煤之分。
- They are sapropelic and over-mature in thermal evolution. 为腐泥型有机质,热演化已经处于过成熟阶段。
- A fine - grained granite porphyry having a groundmass with irregular intergrowths of quartz and feldspar. 花斑岩一种细晶的花斑岩,带有不规则交生的石英和长石的基质
- A fine-grained granite porphyry having a groundmass with irregular intergrowths of quartz and feldspar. 花斑岩一种细晶的花斑岩,带有不规则交生的石英和长石的基质。
- PEG400-600 can be used as medical and cosmetic groundmass, and can be used as lubricant and wetter in rubber and textile industry. 600用作医药,化妆品的基质,橡胶与纺织工业的润滑剂和润湿剂。
- Organics carbon mother-material type is sapropelic humus , organic matter is under mature stage. 矿石有机质母质类型为腐殖型,处于未成熟演化阶段,酸解吸附烃为煤成气型。
- Gas in Huayingcan 1 well is humictype natural gas, with small amount of sapropelic gas. 华英参1井天然气属于腐殖型气,其中也混入了少量腐泥型气。
- Study shows that the Ordovician carbonate formation in this area has the characteristic of very low groundmass porosity. 明确了研究区奥陶系储层为超低基质孔的致密碳酸盐岩,岩溶作用为本区储层发育的主控因素。
- Sapropelic gas could be derived from the cracking of both sapropelic kerogen and sapropelic crude oil. 腐泥型天然气既可来自腐泥型于酪根的裂解,也可以来自腐泥型原油的裂解。
- The organic matter is mainly of sapropel type.Major accumulation locations are earlier-formed fractures. 主要的储集空间和油气运移通道为裂缝;
- Three different kinds of clinopyroxenes were found in ankaramite and basalts: big phenocryst, small phenocrysts and microcrystals in groundmass respectively. 北塔山组富辉橄玄岩和玄武岩中存在着三种类型的单斜辉石:大斑晶辉石、小斑晶辉石和基质辉石。
- Besides,the factors added by the speciality of ecotone and the diversity of groundmass in the area are the principal reasons for supporting shrubby diversity in the area. 该地区的西北部植物区系在古地中海的海浸区,且未直接受到第四纪大陆冰期的袭击,加之其过渡带的特殊生态意义及其基质条件的多样性,使该地区丰富的灌木多样性得以维持的主要原因。
- Gas and light hydrocarbon have humic and over mature feat ure, and condensate has sapropelic and low maturity feature geochemically. 分析认为,天然气主要来自下部的上古生界烃源岩,油主要来自上白垩统泰州组中的少量偏腐泥型干酪根。
- Studies show that the Lower Cambrian black shales in Jindingshan of Guizhou Province are sapropelic type and mixed type oil_forming rocks. 结果表明,黑色岩系属生油岩,且为腐泥型和混合型生油岩,以腐泥型为主;
- It is that the major hydrocarbon generating microscopic component of the main source rock of Lucaogou group is a sapropelic amorphous type. 本文在油源对比的基础上,对三塘湖盆地低熟源岩有机显微组分进行研究,认为盆地主力源岩芦草沟组主要生烃显微组份为腐泥无定型组。
- Studies show that the Lower Cambrian black shales in Jindingshan of Guizhou Province are sapropelic type and mixed type oil-forming rocks. 结果表明,黑色岩系属生油岩,且为腐泥型和混合型生油岩,以腐泥型为主;
- It is considered that the gas came from the underlying Palaeozoic source rocks, and condensate came from sapropelic kerogen in Upper Cretaceous source rocks. 分析认为 ,天然气主要来自下部的上古生界烃源岩 ,油主要来自上白垩统泰州组中的少量偏腐泥型干酪根。
- The Tarim Basin is a typical composite superimposed basin with nine petroleum systems, which are divided into humic class in foreland area and sapropelic class in carton area. 塔里木盆地是典型的复合叠合盆地,共有9个油气系统,可分为前陆区的腐殖型和克拉通区的腐泥型两类。