- Abstract: As a special engineering activity,sanitary landfilling may result in instability of structure. 摘 要: 卫生填埋是一项特殊的工程,可能产生结构稳定性问题。
- As a special engineering activity,sanitary landfilling may result in instability of structure. 卫生填埋是一项特殊的工程,可能产生结构稳定性问题。
- The settlement of MSW landfill is a principal Geotechnical Engineering problem of sanitary landfilling. 生活垃圾卫生填埋场的沉降是目前卫生填埋法所涉及的主要的岩土工程问题之一。
- Combining sanitary landfill with hight temperature compost is an optimum disposal method that fits the conditions of China. 卫生填埋法和高温堆肥法联用,是适合我国国情的最佳处理方法。
- Sanitary landfill is one of MSW disposal in the present and the future of China. 卫生填埋是目前及今后相当长的时期内我国城市生活垃圾(MSW)处理的主要方式。
- Sanitary landfill is one of the primary objects Environmental-geotechnics Engineering concerned. 卫生填埋场是环境岩土工程学关心的主要研究对象之一。
- Communities now have better ways to meet municipal guidelines for diverting organic wastes from sanitary landfills. 也提供现今的社区能配合当地政府的指示,利用更好的方法处理原本倾倒于卫生掩埋场的有机废弃物。
- On the early days of planting vegetation,we advise that the sanitary landfills introduce green bristlegrass,fat hen and cockspur grass at the same time of sodding. 建议在卫生填埋场植被建设初期,在种植人工草皮的同时,适当地引入狗尾草、稗草、灰菜等野生优势种,使野生草本群落逐渐替代人工草坪;
- Thus, sanitary landfills, which accept such waste as household hazardous waste, must have a permit and meet federal design and operational standards. 因而,无害的掩埋式垃圾场接受像家庭有害废料这样的废料,必须有一份许可证和符合联邦设计并操作的标准。
- The main design content and the outline of Yuanhua solid waste sanitary landfill engineering in Haining of Zhejiang is introduced. 介绍了浙江省海宁市袁花卫生填埋场工程概况及主要设计内容。
- The main design content and detailed points of the municipal solid waste sanitary landfill engineering in Karla of Xinjiang were introduced. 介绍了新疆库尔勒市城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场工程概况及主要设计内容。
- The local corporations have adapted different methods for the disposal of waste-open dumps, landfills, sanitary landfills, and incineration plants. 地方公司适应了不同的方法为处置浪费打开转储、垃圾填埋、有益健康的垃圾填埋, 和焚化植物。
- Callsifiedcollected urban garbage is sanitary landfilled an composted.City excrement is treated byanaerobic fermentation to produce biogas. 城市粪便的利用为厌氧发酵制沼气,为了改善公厕卫生环境,文中提出推广生态公厕。
- Several landfill schemes of Bozhou domestic waste sanitary landfill site were discussed, optimum landfill schemes was determined by analysis and comparison. 阐述了亳州市生活垃圾卫生填埋场几种填埋方案,经分析比较确定了最优的填埋方案。
- The main factors which could influence the MSW plane compaction effects was explored through in situ engineering tests at Xiaping sanitary landfill in Shenzhen city. 本文通过现场工程试验对影响填埋垃圾堆体平面压实效果的主要因素进行了系统研究。
- Due to its characteristics of perishability, low heat value and high organic matter content, etc, organic wastes cannot be easily disposed by sanitary landfill and incineration. 有机垃圾具有易腐烂、热值低、有机质含量丰富等特点,常规的填埋和焚烧难以妥善处理。
- In this paper the design and construction technology is discussed in detail of the curtain grouting anti-seepage engineering for this sanitary landfill field. 详细论述了该垃圾填埋场帷幕灌浆防渗工程的设计和施工工艺。
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。
- The research concerning the vegetation and landscaping included among other things the following points: Chemical, nutrient metal, gamma and radon analysis of surface soils of three closed sanitary landfills in Helsinki area. 除了其它研究以外,有关植被和景观的研究包括:在赫尔辛基地区三个已经封场的卫生填埋场地表土壤的化学、养分、金属含量、伽玛射线和氡含量的分析。
- This paper introduced the leachate control engineering and the assessment of leachate control effect of sanitary landfill area in north suburb domestic waste treatment plant of Hefei city. 介绍合肥市北郊生活垃圾处理总场卫生填埋区防渗工程设计、施工和防渗效果的评估。