- sanitary drinking fountain 卫生饮水喷泉
- On a sultry afternoon you may find a long line of people at the drinking fountain, waiting to slake their thirst. 在一个闷热的午后,你会发现一对长长的人在饮水处,等着解渴。作者:种竹成林
- In most corporations,the shredder likes drinking fountain and file cabinet everywhere. 在大多数企业,碎纸机就像饮水机和档案橱柜一样随处可见。
- Seminar rental charge includes P.A. System with 2 microphones, seats, projection screen, speaker's podium, white writing board, drinking fountain and reception table. 免费设备包括:音响(麦克风2个)、座位;投影白银幕、主讲台、写字白板、水机及报到台各一台。
- Bring a water bottle with a built-in filter to fill up at a drinking fountain after going through security. It saves money and keeps you hydrated and healthy. 携带一支带有内置过滤器的水瓶,你可以在通过安检之后在饮用水龙头处灌满它。这样既省钱又可以让你随时补充水分并且很健康。
- Coke also gives McDonald's a drink fountain that contains flavor shots, which allow customers to create new flavors of soda, like Vanilla Diet Coke or Blueberry Sprite. 可口可乐公司还给麦当劳提供了一台饮料机,方便顾客自制新口味的苏打水,香草口味的可乐或者蓝莓味道的雪碧。
- Mine-used drinking fountain of flameproof and Intrinsically Safe can solves the drinking problem of underground personnel and improves the drinking condition and quality of drinking water. 矿用隔爆兼本质安全型饮水机可以解决煤矿井下工作人员的饮水问题,提高井下工作人员的饮水条件和饮用水质量。
- Under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains. 在种族隔离年代,甚至有白人卫生间和白人饮水机。
- Use restrooms and drinking fountains at school in a respectful and courteous manner and at appropriate times. 以有礼貌的和彬彬有礼样子,在适当的时候,在学校使用洗手间和饮水处。
- Equipment rental: truss, lights, tents, tables and chairs negotiations, drinking fountains, plants, Front Desk lease. 器材租赁:桁架、灯具、帐篷、洽谈桌椅、饮水机、植物、接待台租赁。
- She dabbled her hands in the fountain. 她把手伸到喷泉中玩水。
- In majority of enterprises, shredder is as common as drinking fountains and filing cabinets. 在大多数企业,碎纸机就像饮水机和档案橱柜一样随处可见。
- In most corporations,shredders are set everywhere as drinking fountains and filing cabinets. 在大多数企业,碎纸机就像饮水机和档案橱柜一样随处可见。
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。
- Icon can be used in or with a line to indicate major underground pipelines, spigots or drinking fountains. 图示可以单独标示,或搭配一段线条来表示主要的地下管线、水龙头或饮用水泉。
- In most corporations,shredders can be seen everywhere just like drinking fountains and filing cabinets. 在大多数企业,碎纸机就像饮水机和档案橱柜一样随处可见。
- He is rooting about for his fountain pen. 他正在寻找他的自来水笔。
- Products into water purifiers, water machines, drinking fountains, shower, a number of varieties. 产品分为净水器、纯水机、饮水机、沐浴器、多个品种。
- I'm wild about losing my gold fountain pen. 我因遗失了自来水金笔而暴躁不安。
- She dabbled her fingers in the fountain. 她用手指在喷泉中玩水。