- Sandalwood folding fans with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance give ladies real enjoyment. 檀香折扇香气淡雅清郁,真正贵妇享受。
- sandalwood folding fan 檀香折扇
- carved sandalwood folding fan 雕花檀香扇
- I carelessly broke the framework of the folding fan. 我不小心弄断了这把折扇的扇骨。
- The whole book was evenly fold into rectangle form so it can be opened and closed like a folding fan. 全书按照特定行数,均匀地折叠成长方形折子,可象扇子样开启或折叠,从中反映我国书籍装帧之精妙。
- The "hua" would hold a folding fan and a handkerchief, while the other three roles hold another kind of stage prop. 各角色除"花"持折扇、手帕表演外,其它三者持同名道具。
- Except for laokuai, who hold a wooden club, all others dance with a folding fan in their hands. 持捧槌外,其他均持折扇起舞
- Direct current and below they are brandishing buoyantly folding fan, thought boundless. 顺流而下的他们轻飘飘的挥动着折扇,思想漫无边际。
- Several days ago, the quarantine department picks out the bug repellant ingredient from these Japanese local producer folding fan. 几天前,检疫部门从这些日本本地产方便面中检出防虫剂成分。桶装方便面是日清主力商品,约占日清营业利润一半以上。
- The collection of fan painting and folding fan starts at the same time. However, it was scl-dom seen of folding fan produced in Ming and early Qing Dynasties. 折扇的收藏从一开始便是扇面与成扇共存的局面。但是,明代和清代早期的成扇,数量极少。
- For: Please make us your lowest quotation for Chinese Folding Fans. 请报中国折扇最低价。
- Can you show me a folding fan? 可以让我看看折扇吗?
- Of: Your quotation of Chinese Folding Fans is too high to be acceptable. 你方中国折扇报价太高,不能接受。
- As to adornment, ox horn suits emulative strong industry, animal head, turtle shell, giant the folding fan adornment that contains crime gas, be not every family to suit, want to try to notice. 至于装饰品,牛角适合竞争性强的行业,兽头、龟壳、巨型折扇等含有戾气的装饰品,并非每个家庭都适合,要加以注重。
- Ink and color on paper; Folding fan 设色纸本成扇
- Prince Edward Long War will battle days sector, a Maronite own innate dignity, in a dance choreographed to wonderful Shen Qiang, a folding fans also pay its elegant styles. 身经百战的天界战将,自有一股龙族天生的威严,一支神枪舞得出神入化,一付折扇又令其飘逸潇洒。
- The infatuated fan stalked the celebrity. 那位着了迷的崇拜者追踪这位名人。
- Dressed Qingduan long gown, the elegant manners of a British gas, casual and without losing prudent. Players wear like a folding fans or a sword, is the Pianpiangongzi sagacity. 一袭青缎长衫,儒雅中一股英气,潇洒而不失稳重。随身佩带一柄折扇或一把长剑,是个有情有义的翩翩公子。
- She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan. 她羞怯地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。
- I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV. 我从不声张我是电视连续剧迷。