- Sand dust storm is a catastrophically climate mainly occurring in arid or semi-arid region. 摘要沙尘暴是主要发生于乾旱、半乾旱地区的一种危害极大的灾害性天气。
- In this paper some characteristics of the aerosal in a dust storm occurring April 18-20, 1980,over Bering area were described. 本文讨论了1980年4月北京地区一次尘暴过程的气溶胶特征。
- The sand of Yanchi station during sand dust storm not only come from the background source but also the local supply. 形成盐池站多沙尘暴天气的沙源,除背景沙源外,本地沙源的补充也有重要作用。
- Dust storms occur when intense grazing strips pastureland of new growth, leaving the topsoil vulnerable to winds. 当密集的放牧导致新长好的牧草被啃光,让地表土容易被风刮走,沙尘暴就发生了。
- Once, betray bandit lends weather of sanded dust storm assault jail, grandfather grandma and policemens, ignore individual safety and danger, bravely investment defends the action of the jail. 有一次,叛匪借沙尘暴天气袭击监狱,爷爷奶奶和干警们,不顾个人安危,勇敢地投入保卫监狱的战斗。
- Analysis of causes and diagnosis for a severe sand dust storm in NingXia 一次强沙尘暴天气成因与诊断分析
- Deforestation, deforestation, land clearing, overgrazing, and the destruction of forests and pastures, resulting in soil erosion and land desertification, so that dust storms occur frequently. 乱砍滥伐、毁林开荒、过度放牧等,会破坏森林和草场,造成水土流失和土地荒漠化,使沙尘暴频繁出现。
- Analysis of spring sand dust storm evolution and climatic factors of sand dust originating areas of Taklimakan dry area 塔克拉玛干地区春季沙尘演变及气候因素分析
- Keywords Ulan Buh desert;sand dust storm;shelterbelt;dustfall;degree of lighting; 乌兰布和沙漠;沙尘暴;防护林;降尘;疏透度;
- sand-dust storm occurring days 沙尘暴发生日数
- An intense dust storm overclouded the sun. 一阵猛烈的沙暴遮天蔽日。
- Sand dust storm 沙尘暴
- A penetrating sandstorm or dust storm with violent winds, occurring chiefly in Arabia, North Africa, and India. 哈布沙暴主要发生在阿拉伯,北非和印度的伴随狂风的猛烈的沙暴或尘暴
- The crops were badly damaged by dust storm. 农作物受到尘暴的严重损害。
- A penetrating sandstorm or dust storm with violent winds,occurring chiefly in Arabia,North Africa,and India. 哈布沙暴主要发生在阿拉伯,北非和印度的伴随狂风的猛烈的沙暴或尘暴。
- People's deforestion insensibility, at last sand storm occurs for it. 人类乱砍滥伐,终于酿成了沙尘暴这杯苦酒!
- As the final days ticked by, a dust storm on the planet erupted, reducing the density of the upper atmosphere. 在最后几天的倒数计时中,火星上却刮起了一场沙尘暴,导致高层大气的密度降低。
- Climatological Characteristics of Sand Dust Storm in Recent Years and Diagnosis of a Severe Dust Storms in the Middle and West Region of Gansu Province 甘肃中西部近年沙尘天气气候特征及典型个例诊断分析
- The dust storm has reduced visibility to nearly zero. 沙尘暴使能见度降到几近零。