- sand produce in watershed 流域产沙
- The total yield of such produce in a particular season or place. 收成在某一季节或地区该类产品的总产量
- How many cameras have they produce in this factory? 他们这个工厂生产了多少照相机?
- Why do you produce in organic way? 為何按有机方式进行生產?主要优势
- What are the principal farm produce in this region? 这个地区的主要农产品是什么?
- To produce in excess of need or demand. 超额生产超过需要或需求的生产
- Ridges or pleats produced in this manner. 褶皱用这种方式而形成的褶皱
- My cousin sells her garden produce in the market. 我表姐在市场上卖自己菜园里的蔬菜。
- Can I put washed produce in the bag? 我可以把洗过的农作物放进口袋么?
- This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong TV. 这部连续剧是同香港电视台联合制作的。
- The farmers trade agricultural produce in the market. 农民们正在市场上交换农产品。
- Speech or vocal sounds produced in a state of religious ecstasy. 口才在宗教狂热的状态下说的话或发出的声音
- The 8 greatest rices mainly is produce in the south. 8大米主要出产于南方。
- A new modified furan resin sand consolidation agent has been researched due to sand produc tion in moderate shallow fine siltstone reservoir,and it has been applied successfully in Qinhai oil field. 针对我国中浅层细粉砂岩油藏开采过程中严重出砂的问题 ,研制出一种新型改性呋喃树脂固砂剂 ,并在青海油田中浅层细粉砂岩油藏水井防砂应用成功。
- A speech sound produced in the pharynx. 由咽喉发出的声音
- It is mentioned that all stakeholders participate in watershed management in the pervious paragraph. 在前文谈到参与式理念中,提到了“所有利益相关者参与流域管理的活动”。
- The TV play was produced in cooperation with CCTV. 这部电视剧是与中央电视台合作制作的。
- CASA initially was established to estimate global NPP, the thesis proves its high accuracy in watershed scale according to applying it to Heihe Basin. 该模型最初建立来估算全球的净第一性生产力,是基于全球尺度的模型,在本论文的研究中证明将其应用到流域范围仍然具有高的准确性。
- A smoky flavoured whiskey produced in Ireland. 带烟薰味的威士忌酒产于爱尔兰。