- sand pear cultivars 砂梨品种
- This species is often used as stock to graft pear cultivars. 本种是作为嫁接梨栽培品种的股票使用的通常。
- In NW China, this species is often used as stock for grafting pear cultivars. 在西北部的中国,本种是作为股票为嫁接梨栽培品种使用的通常。
- Genetic diversity of 41 pear cultivars was analyzed by using SSR markers. Twelve SSR markers amplified 114 alleles,with an average of 9.5 alleles per locus. 应用SSR技术对梨41个栽培品种进行遗传多样性分析;12对SSR引物扩增出114个等位基因;平均每个位点9.;5个。
- The comparative experiments of bagging on Whangkeumbae pear cultivar were carried out with 7 types of fruit bags in Northwest Loess Plateau. 选用7种不同类型的果袋,在西北高原地区栽培条件下对黄金梨果实进行套袋试验。
- The development course of early and medium ripening pear cultivars in Hebei province was summarized, the current problems in the pear production were analyzed and the strategies were put forward in this paper. 摘要概述了河北省早中熟梨发展历程,分析了河北省当前早中熟梨生产中存在的主要问题,提出了相应的对策。
- CR of some fruit cultivars, such as pear cultivar Meirensu and nectarine cultivar Huaguang etc, were various in different years, and were significant difference between different areas. 有些品种(如美人酥梨、华光油桃等)年际间有差异,不同地区间差异更大。
- Male sterility of pear cultivars of Niitaka, Atago and Housui (CK) and the features of their anther were examined, and the pollen grains per anther and pollen germination rates were investigated. 摘要为研究梨雄性不育表现和细胞学特征,观察分析了新高、爱宕和丰水(对照)梨花器官特征、花粉数量和育性,比较了花药和小孢子发育过程的细胞学特征。
- High Grade Cultivation of Fine Sand Pear 砂梨优质高档栽培技术
- Unidentified pear cultivars or types were clustered with P. ussuriensis, P. communis, P. xerophila and Chinese white pears, respectively. 形态学上归属不明的品种分别聚类到西洋梨、白梨、木梨和秋子梨组中。
- There were little glucose and sucrose in sand pears at the early development stage, whereas fructose content was relatively high. 结果表明,在砂梨果实发育早期,几乎没有葡萄糖积累,蔗糖含量也较低,而果糖含量较高;
- Eli 2'- A New Early Ripening Pear Cultivar' 早熟梨新品种‘鄂梨2号’
- Breeding of a new pear cultivar 'Qingxiang' 梨新品种清香的选育
- Yali pear cultivar (P. bretschneideri cv. Yali) 鸭梨
- This study focused on the differences between the management of conventional horizontal trellis training model and vertical trellis(espalier) training model of top-grafting sand pears (Pyrus spp.). 摘要本研究目的在于比较台湾惯行水平棚架整枝与新设计之直立垣篱式整枝高接梨园之优劣。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- Study on identification of S-genotypes of Chinese pear cultivars 中国梨品种S基因型鉴定的初步研究
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。
- Identification and Evaluation of Resistance to Black Spot Disease of Sand Pear 砂梨品种对黑斑病的抗性鉴定和评价