- sand mould pig iron 砂型生铁
- Pig iron used as permanent ballast. 压载铁做为永久性压舱物的生铁
- mould pig iron 型铁
- The casting is cast in furan sand mould. 采用呋喃树脂砂型铸造。
- Pig iron is converted into steel by removing most but not all the impurities. 生铁变成钢要除掉大部分而不是全部的杂质。
- Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon. 生铁约含有4%25的碳。
- The freighter carrying pig iron is cleaving through the water. 装着生铁的货船正在破浪前进。
- The relationships between C, Si contents and ferrite amount in centrifugal cast ductile iron pipe produced with resin-bonded sand mould are briefly presented. 简述了在树脂砂型离心铸造球铁管时,管中碳、硅含量与铸态铁素体含量问的关系;
- Cannons are made here from pig iron and wood. 生铁和木头在这里被制成大炮。
- The cast iron was melted and poured into sand moulds. 铸铁熔化之后,就倒进铸模里。
- This building makes muskets from pig iron. 生铁在这里被制成步枪。
- Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon . 生铁约含有4%25的碳。
- A furnace in which pig iron is converted into steel by the Bessemer process. 炼钢熔炉一种通过酸性转炉法将生铁练成钢的设备
- To guarantee the dry quality of sand mould, we also built a drying kiln with an area of 50 stere, which can control the temperature. 为确保砂型干燥质量,建有能实时监控温度的50立方米干燥窑及30立方米干燥窑各一座。
- He asked us how much pig iron we could produce per day and calculated with us how much we could put out in a year. 他问我们每天能生产多少生铁,又跟我们一道计算一年内能生产多少。
- The corrosion resistance of L401 alloys wire by OCC is higher 26% in comparison with that by sand mould. 热型连铸L401线材耐蚀性优于砂型铸造线材,耐蚀性提高26%25。
- What is the foundry's program for controlling the quality of incoming materials? E. G. Sand, core wash, scrap metal, pig iron, etc. 供应商怎样控制来料的质量?如:砂,废金属,生铁等。
- A new process using alkaline resin sand mould is introduced and the cause for the improvement of quality by this new process is discussed. 介绍了用碱性酚醛树脂自硬砂工艺代替呋喃树脂自硬砂工艺后消除缺陷、提高球铁曲轴品质的机理。
- The iron extracted from the blast furnace is known as pig iron . 从高炉中提炼出的铁叫生铁。
- The surface defects formation mechanism of steel castings produced with resin-coated zircon sand mould was described,and their prevention measures were discussed. 论述了锆砂覆膜砂铸钢件表面缺陷的形成机制,就该缺陷的防治措施进行了探讨。