- The workers mixed the asphalt with sand and gravel together. 工人们把沥青和沙子、石块混合在一起。
- The prospector panned out bits of sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream. 探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。
- An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine. 冰川前砂砾层冰河冰渍前沉积的沙及砾石覆盖的区域
- Sand and gravel may form bars within the channel. 沙和砾石可以在沟槽内形成沙洲。
- sand and gravel overlay 沙砾覆盖层
- His prize-winning book is called Moy Sand and Gravel. 他获奖的作品名叫《沙与碎石》。
- Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water. 混凝土由水泥、砂、石子与水掺和而构成。
- They loaded sand and gravel from the riverbed into a washing pan. 他们满载砂石从河床成为洗衣机潘。
- Every way the river water washes away a lot of sand and gravel. 河水每年要从岸边冲走大量的沙石。
- Sandstone and conglomerate are the consolidated equivalent of sand and gravel. 砂岩和砾岩分别是砂和砾石固结的产物。
- The channel is filled with noncompactible sand, or with sand and gravel. 水道内由不可压实的砂或砂砾物质充填。
- An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacialmoraine. 冰川前砂砾层冰河冰渍前沉积的沙及砾石覆盖的区域。
- The prospector panned off bits of a sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream. 探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。
- A short ridge or mound of sand and gravel deposited during the melting of glacial ice. 冰砾阜,冰碛阜冰川冰融化过程中沉积下来的低矮的沙石堆
- The sand and gravel in the Yangtze river is good building and filling materials. 摘要长江中下游干流河道内的砂石是较好的建筑和填筑材料。
- Such as the determination of depth to bedrock, the delineation of sand and gravel deposits, and detection of water-bearing fracture zones. 例如,利用地震法可确定场地处基岩的深度,勾画出沙和砾石沉积物,查明含水断裂带。
- Tin ore, copper, zinc mine, iron ore, snake bite mine, silica, sand and gravel sales. 锡矿、铜矿、锌矿、铁矿、蛇纹矿、硅石、砂石购销。
- Unstratified soil deposited by a glacier; consists of sand and clay and gravel and boulders mixed together. 冰河沉淀形成的不分层的土壤,由沙、粘土、砂砾和漂石混合而成。
- A strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water. 用沙子、沙砾、水泥和水制成的高强度建筑材料。
- The conclusion is that the high-pressure gunite technique applied to 30 m thick of sand and gravel layer is feasible. 通过本次经验为在深厚层砂卵砾石层中进行高喷灌浆施工提供借鉴。