- Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday. 今天是“生命尊严”主日。
- The inspired churchman that teaches him the sanctity of life and the importance of conduct is sent away empty. 译文:(如果)一位悟道的传教士向他宣讲人生的神圣和德行的重要性;他就请他走开;一文钱也不施舍.
- Indeed, these creatures known as the Zerg have no regard for the sanctity of life. 你们所言不虚,那些被称作虫族的生物是一群肮脏的,不配享有生之福祉的东西。
- When a homeless person is left to rot on a slab, the sanctity of life somehow gets trivialized. 当一个无家可归的人躺在地板上腐烂的时候,生命的尊严就变得无足轻重。
- This morning we want to draw several applications from it in the context of the Sanctity of life. 今天早上,我想在生命的尊严方面,从这段经文里引申几个应用。
- But it also teased out some big differences between Italy and most of its allies.Italy is influenced by Roman Catholic views on the sanctity of life. 这也讽刺了意大利和它的大部分盟国的巨大差异,意大利受遵奉生命圣洁的罗马天主教影响。
- Since the Suicide Act, the nation has become less paternalistic, less likely to think the sanctity of life trumps all else and more likely to think that personal autonomy does. 自从自杀法案颁布以来,国家家长专断式作法减少,不再将生命的圣洁性看的高于一切,更加赞同个人意志。
- We should respect the sanctity of marriage. 我们应该尊重婚姻的神圣。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- You should respect the sanctity of marriage. 你应该尊重婚姻的神圣。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- You feel the glory and sanctity of it it? 你感受到了它的光荣与神圣了吗?
- We talked for hours about the meaning of life. 我们谈人生的意义谈了几个小时。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。
- Good books are an enrichment of life. 良好的书藉是使人生变得充实之物。
- It is a matter of life and death for them. 这事对他们来说是生死攸关。
- Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. 天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。
- He was battling against the vicissitudes of life. 他在每况愈下的生活中奋斗。
- Music is the breath of life to him. 音乐是他生活的必需品。