- The standard error is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution. 抽样分布的标准差。
- The number of runs is a statistic with its own special sampling distribution and its own test. 连续级数是一个具有独特抽样分布和检验方法的统计量。
- The sampling distribution of p is the probability distribution of all possible values of the sample proportion p. 样本比例的抽样分布是样本比例所有可能值的概率分布。
- Sampling Distribution of Attribute Statistics 计数值统计量的抽样分配
- Sampling Distribution of Variable Statistics 计量值统计量的抽样分配
- Sampling distribution of standard deviations 标准偏差的抽样分布抽样方差
- Mean of the sampling distribution 抽样分布均值
- On a negative note, you discovered that PHP has no native access to sampling distributions, which is a requirement for implementing most statistical tests. 不利的一面,您发现PHP对于取样分布缺乏内在手段,而这是实现大多数统计测试所必需的。
- The Extension of Sampling Distribution Theory 抽样分布定理的推广
- sampling distribution of the statistic 统计量的抽样分布
- The clustering problem of typic sample distribution is solved with the algorithm similar to that of digital image process with mathematical morphology. 通过建立一个与数学形态学应用于数字图象处理方法类似的算法来解决一般样本分布的聚类问题。
- approximate sampling distribution 近似抽样分布
- Monte Carlo sampling distribution 蒙特卡罗抽样分布
- Replacing usual sampling distribution with new one, more economic results can be obtained by less cost, and 84 gold-bearing structures have been found by 2 439 samples in Pingdu area. 用新的采样布局代替常规布局,能以较少的成本获得较多的经济效益,在平度地区以2439个样品发现了84条有价值的含金构造。
- The distribution of the magazine is 2000. 该杂志的销售量为2000份。
- We have a good product but our distribution is bad. 我们的产品很好,但销售情况不佳。
- The distribution is as tabled below. 其分布情形如下表。
- A remark on the proof of sampling distribution Theorem 关于抽样分布定理证明的注
- Sampling distribution of single effect in variance analysis 方差分析中单项效应的抽样分布
- I spent a few days sampling the literature of social science. 我花了几天时间浏览有关社会科学的文献。