- sample of measured value 测量值采样
- The output of measured value can be analog voltage and BCD code in order to expend function such as data printing, analog indication, grophic recording, computer communication, etc. 具有模拟电压及BCD码数据输出功能,以便功能扩展。如数据打印、模拟指示、曲线记录、与计算机通讯等。
- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 护士抽了我的血样去化验。
- Artificial adjustment of measured values to allow for their significance in aparticular context. 考虑到被测值在特定情况下的重要性而作的人为修正。
- Simple, run-of-the-mill analogue meter without computer control. No digital readout of measured values. 最简单原始的表盘显示。没有任何的存储、显示、分析模式图。
- A new method of measuring indoor radioactivity of radon is presented by using the indoor fast-moving ball as the sample of a radioactive substance. 给出了一种用室内快速运动的球体作为放射性样品测量室内氡射气辐射活度的新方法。
- A style or individual sample of writing. 笔迹个人的书法笔迹或风格
- The summary of measured values of synthetic staple fibers needling nonwoven geotextiles is presented in this paper. 对短纤针刺非织造土工布的测试值进行归纳总结,并与国标值对照,提出几个问题进行讨论。
- The on-the-spot factor is complicated and changeable.It caused the uncertainty of measurement value of Richter scale sclerometer. 现场因素复杂多变,造成了里氏硬度计测量值的不确定性。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- digital evaluation of measured value 测量值的数字估值
- sharp transition of measured value 测值突变
- The contents of this parcel is a sample of no commercial value. 这件包裹里面是无商业价值的样本。
- Methods The pathology, infecting protozoa numbers and the challges of measuring value of GSH, MDA, XOD of Lung, brain tissue and serum of infected mice were observed. 方法观察大鼠感染卡氏肺孢子虫后,肺、脑组织感染虫数、病理以及谷胱甘肽(GSH)、丙二醛(MDA)、黄嘌呤氧化酶(XOD)3项指标的变化。
- Such is one sample of the earliest true men. 这是最早的真人的标本。
- Designed specially for measurements in flowing material, the recording of measured values is resulted in real-time operation. 设计适用易流动物料的计量,实时获得计量值记录。
- Shall I show you a sample of each? 是否要我每样拿一个给您看看?
- MVA, TSR and ER are to maximize shareholder wealth as targets in the various indicators of measuring value creation.They are not suitable for the core indicators as value creation management. 在街量价值创造的各种指标中,MVA、TSR、ER是以股东财富最大化为目标的指标,不适合用来作为价值创造管理的核心指标。
- We'd like to have a sample of your urine. 我们需要你的尿样。
- The correlatability among measured values by different methods (instruments)is determined and the correction equation for the conversion of measured values into standard values is obtained. 确定了不同方法(仪器)测定值间的可比性,求出了测定值换算成标准值的修正式。为在区域铀矿水化学找矿资料整理中。