- sample application foil 样品放置箔
- Represents an omitted portion of a sample application. 提供示例应用程序中被省略的一部分。
- We have now created the topic for our sample application. 现在已为示例应用程序创建了主题。
- We have now created the topic space for our sample application. 现在已经为示例应用程序创建了主题空间。
- You can carry out the following tasks with the sample application. 您可以利用此示例应用程序执行下列任务。
- Gain hands-on experience by profiling a sample application. 通过分析样本应用程序来获得实际体验。
- Shows the basic application architecture for our sample application. 显示了示例应用程序的基本体系结构。
- Follow the steps in the readme. Htm file for the Storefront sample application. 按照Storefront示例应用程序的readme.;htm文件中的步骤进行。
- Treeview Tooltips - Sample application, with classes for adding tooltips to treeview scrollbar and nodes. 这是一个示例应用程序,包括用来在树状视图滚动条和节点上增加工具提示的类。
- Compares a Visual Basic 6.0 Sample application to a Visual Basic 2005 equivalent. 比较Visual Basic 6.;0示例应用程序与其Visual Basic 2005等效项。
- To follow on with the description, download the sample application code, which includes the EPPS code. 为了继续往下描述,请下载示例应用程序代码,其中包含了EPPS代码。
- Press F5 to start and run the sample application in the Visual Studio 2005 debugging environment. 按F5在Visual Studio 2005调试环境中启动并运行示例应用程序。
- To run this sample application, you must set the classpath to include the sqljdbc. Jar file. 若要运行此示例应用程序;必须将classpath设置为包含sqljdbc.;jar文件。
- In this article, I will use bottom-up development to build a sample application. 在本文中,我将使用自底向上开发来构建一个样本应用程序。
- The Power Pack includes a sample application based on the SQL Server Northwind database. Power Pack包括基于SQL Server Northwind数据库的示例应用程序。
- We ll be following the first four steps in the list to develop our sample application. 我们将遵循列表中的前四个步骤来开发我们的样本应用程序。
- The sample application I'll use to demonstrate my points is based on the Northwind SQL Server database. 我将使用基于Northwind SQL Server数据库的示例应用程序来阐释我的观点。
- Additional sample applications are provided in the sample download ZIP file. 示例下载ZIP文件中提供了其他示例应用程序。
- For this reason, no sample applications are delivered with the toolkit. 因此,该工具箱没有提供任何样本应用程序。
- The sample application demonstrates how to create a portlet to calculate monthly mortgage payments. 样本应用程序演示如何创建一个portlet来计算每月按揭还款额。