- Arts with the same origin often share the same aesthetic aims. 同源的艺术往往有共同的审美追求。
- "Incident" means any occurrence, or series of occurrences having the same origin, which causes pollution damage. “事件”是指造成油污损害的任何事故,或由于同一起因所导致的一系列事故。
- Huizhou and Meizhou Hakka dialects are of the same origin, but have slightly different pronunciations. 惠州客家话与梅州的客家话同出一源,但发音略有不同。
- Many scientific discoveries are derived from the same origin, you should acquaint yourself with more. 很多科学都是一脉相通的,你该多了解一下。
- Duplicate: Identical items produced from the same original. 复制:用同一原稿制成相似物品。
- Deng Xiaoping's economic political thought and those of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao Zedong can be traced to the same origin. 摘要邓小平经济政治思想与马克思、恩格斯、列宁、毛泽东的政治经济思想是一脉相承的。
- In Altai various languages, from the level of etymology, the number "one" in the three language groups has the same origin. 阿尔泰诸语之间,在同源词这个层面上,数词“一”在蒙古语、满语、突厥语中都有其同源词。
- So the aloin cells were special phloem parenchyma cells because they shared the same origin with the other phloem cells. 据此,芦荟叶维管束内的大型薄壁细胞的来源与韧皮部相同,属于特化的韧皮部薄壁组织细胞。
- Introduction of Amomum villosum in Xishuangbanna, the relevant state departments to identify experts, performance, quality and the same origin. 西双版纳引种的阳春砂仁,经国家有关部门组织专家鉴定,性能、品质与原产地相同。
- The examination provoked the same original remark in regard to the child. 一端详又勾起了刚才说那个孩子的话。
- Ikeda's advocacy of practicable spirit of seeking peace and against wars can be traced to the same origin of Mohist theory of universal love and no war. 墨子的“兼爱非攻”与池田力主以实践的精神去反对战争,追求和平,凸显了东方思想家一脉相承的思想源流。
- The nearly identical spelling, or the same origin or meaning, of a generic or subgeneric name and the specific or subspecific name in a binomen or trinomen. 一个二名式或三名式名称的属名或亚属名的拼法,和种本名或亚种本名的拼法几乎相同,或具有相同的源起或意义。
- Gardenia and I live with the same original and ADJOINING small living space. 我和栀子同样生活在原来和凌子生活的小空间。
- He knows the order of the genii, and, aware that he is of the same origin, he despises the human side of his being in order to attach himself exclusively to the divine element. 他知道鬼的次序,和知道他是相同的起源,为了单独地贴上神的标签他轻视他的存在的人性部分。
- Whistler is weak body and his tense and sensitive personality and his favored artistic characters of esteeming aesthetics and symbolism have same origin. 惠斯勒并不强壮的体质和他紧张性敏感的性格与他所迷恋的唯美主义、象征主义美学气质一脉相通;
- The ancient universal evolution doctrine thought that nature and culture had the same origin, and the abstraction by human being would lead to humanism art view ultimately. 摘要古代宇宙演化论认为自然与人文同源,人们对宇宙精神(天地之心)的提炼最终通向人本主义艺术观;
- However, multipolarization and international democratization with the same origin of bipolarity, twisted together historically, and formed a new relation of mutual motivation. 然而,同源于两极格局中的多极化与国际关系民主化,又历史性的交织在了一起,形成了相互推动,相互发展的新型互动关系。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- Based on the isozymogram of esterase of polyacrylamide electrophoresis, the heredity difference of the Anhui native varieties of mulberry could be classified into four categories which had the same origin and the similar characters. 依据桑树冬芽的酯酶同工酶聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术得到的谱带图对安徽省17个地方桑品种进行聚类分析比较其遗传差异,并把这些品种分为4类,各类型具有来源相近且具有某些形态特征相近的特点。