- Int f( double);// same as above; parameter name is omitted. 底下这行代码声明同一个函数。它没有漏掉了参数名。
- Turn off "Stopwatch". Same as above, will refresh every 1 second. 在秒表设置中关掉"秒表",同上面一样,会每秒都刷新显示。
- Line 30-54: This is the same as above for the Message content component. 第30行-54行:这与上面的消息内容组件相同。
- Show configure screen when restarting emulation: Same as above,but with restarting. (重新开始模拟时显示设置屏幕):和上面一样,不过多加了一个重启。
- Same as above, but now better, with more consistent results. This is the really exciting stage! 疗效与以上相同,而更佳,有更一致的效果,是一个最令人兴奋的时期!
- Same as above, but with a flatted fifth (or raised fourth), for a spacey, impressionistic group of notes. 与上面的预置相同,但输入是降半音的第五大调(或升半音的第四大调),以获得更大的给人印象深刻的音符组。
- Same as above but for passive skill .... I dunno if aura/passive can work together on the same skills. 和上面提到的一样,只不过是适用于被动技能。我不知道,光环/被动技能是否可以在同一个技能上一起工作。
- Tuition: $350 per student. All other fees are the sames as above. 学费:每位学生三百五十元,其馀费用与上述均同。
- The light of this one is the same as above, I love the luminousness of the petal. 光照如上图; 放大图可见其晶莹感.;后面能有补光则甚佳
- The Obama Non Bow Same as above, only with your fingers crossed (cf King Abdullah). 柔道式鞠躬:同上,只不过试图几秒后“扳倒”对方。
- Same as above and free exercise against multiple attacks (4 attackers) with Tanto tori, defence against kicks and 24 steps Jo Kata. Submit an article on Aikido-related subjects. 同上,及对多人(四个攻击者)以短刀攻击之自由技,对脚踢之防守及廿四步杖型。递交一份与合气道有关的文章。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- IS (Canon) or VR (Nikon) standard telephoto zoom: Same as above, but for photographers who drink lotsa coffee and/or do crank. IS (Canon) or VR (Nikon) 标准望远变焦: 同上; 但是只是为了那些喝了太多coffee或脾气暴躁的摄影师准备的.
- If the enemy employs the second move,our troops should do the same as above,except that the main force of the Second Field Army should advance to the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway. 如敌实行第二方案,则可改以二野主力出浙赣线,余同第一方案。
- The same as stated above or before. 同上,同前与上述或前述相同
- Verifies the contents of the primary disk against a CRC32 file. Same as above with the inclusion of the EXCEPTION argument that excludes compared files based upon its entries. 对照CRC32文件校验主磁盘的内容。与上例相同,只是包括了EXCEPTION参数,其作用是根据它的项排除比较文件。
- If the enemy employs the second move, our troops should do the same as above, except that the main force of the Second Field Army should advance to the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway. 如敌实行第二方案,则可改以二野主力出浙赣线,余同第一方案。
- Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。
- Same as above and free exercise against multiple attacks (5 attackers), 24 steps Jo Kumitachi and 5 basic Ken Kumitachi. Submit an article on Aikido-related subjects. 同上,及对多人(五个攻击者)攻击之自由技,廿四步之组杖及五个基本组太刀。递交一份与合气道有关的文章。
- The Operatic Bow Same as above, only with a giant hankie in your right hand to wipe the sweat off your forehead after the exertion of returning to the vertical. 歌剧式鞠躬:同上,只不过右手拿一个大手帕,努力站直的时候好擦前额的汗。(译注:演完歌剧后要长时间谢幕。)