- We must try to wash the salt out of the soil. 我们得想法把盐份从土壤中冲洗掉。
- Pour the salt out of the bug into a pot, please. 请把盐从袋子里倒入到罐内。
- How long will the substance take to salt out? 这种物质需要多长时间来盐析?
- The chemical must then be salted out and allowed to dry. 之后,这化学药品必须加盐分离,晾干。
- It took half an hour for the substance to be salted out. 花了半个小时这种物质才盐析出来。
- Salt out To separate (a dissolved substance) by adding salt to the solution. 盐析:通过向溶液中加盐而分离出(溶解的物质)
- She read out extracts from his letters. 她从他的信中挑了几段念出。
- The chemical was finally salted out. 终于盐析出了这种化学物质。
- The chemical must be salted out and allowed to dry. 必须把这种化学物质加盐分离出来并让它变干。
- One source is by desalination-taking the salt out of salt water to make it drinkable. 淡水的来源之一是使水淡化--把含盐的水中的盐份去掉,使之能够饮用。
- And the same is true if we let much salt out through the skin when we get overheated. 假使我们因受热过多从皮肤排出了大量的盐,情况同样如此。
- After salt out process and regular distillation, the recycling purity of isopropanol can reach above 98%. 经盐析后,只需经普通蒸馏,异丙醇回收纯度即可达到98%25以上。
- After salt out process and regular distillation,the recycling purity of isopropanol can reach above 98%. 经盐析后,只需经普通蒸馏,异丙醇回收纯度即可达到98%25以上。
- Salt out and distillation process was used to recycle isopropanol from isopropanol wastewater. 摘要采用盐析-蒸馏工艺,从异丙醇废液中回收异丙醇。
- Methods Thin layer chromatography and salt out are adopted to determine the content of esterified catechins. 方法采用盐析的方法对茶多酚粗品液进行处理,薄层色谱扫描仪进行酯型儿茶素含量的测定。
- A kidney also takes urea and mineral salts out of the blood. 肾还排出血液中的尿素和无机盐。
- Methods Rapid phenol-chloroform method, salting out method and potassium iodide method were used to extract genomic DNA from human blood. 方法选用快速氯仿-异戊醇法、简化盐析法、改良碘化钾法直接从全血中提取基因组DNA。
- The brine taken from the borate salt lake is concentrated by solar evaporation to that it just begin to crystallize epsomite or potassium salt out. 某硼酸盐盐湖卤水经日晒蒸发到不同析盐阶段,分别取泻盐和钾盐饱和卤水在实验盐田中储存越冬。
- Color cement concrete is prone to form white efflorescence on the surface after a period of time, that is because of the salt out phenomenon of cement. 摘要用彩色水泥配置的混凝土在使用一段时间后,其表面会产生白霜,即产生水泥的盐析。
- Once you get salt out of your system, you'll learn to distinguish the subtle flavors of spices, and food will taste better than ever. 一旦你去除了消化系统中的嗜盐性,你就会学会分辨各种香料的微妙口味,而食物吃起来也将比以往的食物要美味的多了。