- Annals of blue color patch is quiet, indrawn. 蓝色标志平静、内向。
- I have a coffee colored patch on the inside of my ankle. 我内脚踝上有一粒咖啡色的斑。
- Click OK. (The Multiply blend mode allows the black/white gradient -- which you can see in the color patch -- to simply darken the existing color. (叠加的混合模式允许黑/白渐变---你可以在看到---轻易的加深现有颜色。
- Annals of blue color patch is quiet, indrawn. Baby blue is affable, outspread, create atmosphere easily. Blue-black solid, constrictive. 蓝色标志平静、内向。淡蓝色友善、扩张、易于创造气氛。深蓝色则坚实、紧缩。
- In papermaking process will alternate red and blue fibers or color patch (dot) mixed into pulp, paper asensitive went before the paper surface, there are fluorescent ultraviolet irradiation. 在造纸过程中将红蓝纤维或彩色小片(点)掺入纸浆内,或在纸张未定型前撒在纸张表面,在紫外线照射下有荧光反射。
- Several colored patches were sewn neatly round the seat of his pants. 几个彩色补丁被整齐地缝在他裤子腚部。
- Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
- We can produce multi-colored rubber patches, 2-D/3-D patches, Double-side colored patches, Glow-in-Dark/Reflective Effect patches, etc. 我们可以按客户要求生产各种单面图案/双面图案/立体图案的胶章,生产的胶章环保无味,符合欧洲环保要求。
- The falls upstream are full of salmon. 该瀑布上流有许多大麻哈鱼。
- Gayle shows the classical markings of the Border Collie: two colored patches around the ears and eyes, white blaze and neck, colored body, white feet and a white end of the tail. Gayle显示出边境牧羊犬的典型斑纹:耳朵和眼睛周围有两块带色的斑纹,脸上有白斑,白色的脖子,身体有颜色,白色的脚和白色的尾尖。
- He planed to go fishing for salmon on Sunday. 他计划星期天去钓鲑鱼。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- I'd like to have some salmon if it is on. 如果有大马哈鱼供应,我想来一点。
- We saw a few salmon jumping in the waterfall there. 我们看到那边瀑布里几条鲑鱼在跳。
- Various circles float on far-reaching background, with lines freely walking, twining, and interlacing, superimposition of colored patches indicates confident and calm woodcutting skills. 不同的圆形在无限深远的色彩背景上飘浮,极为自由的线条在空间中行走、缠绕、穿插、交织;色块的叠压显示了挥刀向木的自信从容。
- Confined to inland waters, as certain salmon. 内陆水域的限于内陆水域的,如萨蒙河的某些地段
- In order to reduce the splash causing in the process of storage and window forming of UPVC plastic profiled material, introduced the causing reason of colored patches and its prevent solution. 为了减少硬质聚氯乙烯(UPVC)塑料异型材(以下简称塑型材)在储存、成窗的过程中产生的色斑,介绍了色斑产生的原因及其预防措施。
- Colorful patches, zippers, chains and tassels are all part of the persona1 touch. 花哨的补丁、拉链、链条和流苏等全都成了装饰之物,以显示个人风格。
- The hat was decorated with colored beads. 那顶帽子上饰有彩色珠子。
- The absence of color in that drawing make it dull. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。