- saline lake sediments 盐湖沉积
- Aim To analyze Tertiary period sedimentary environment of Qaidamu saline lake. 目的分析柴达木盆地第三纪盐湖的沉积环境。
- There is great thickness of lake sediments of Eogene in Biyang rifted-basin. 泌阳断陷沉积了巨厚的老第三系稳定的湖相水下沉积,深凹区是主要的生油区,地层极平缓。
- C/N ratio is extensively used to reflect the sources of the organic matter in the lake sediments. 摘要C/N比值在湖泊沉积物研究中广泛用于反映有机质的来源;
- The ultrafiltration membrance is used for treating saline lake brine to remove organic matter. 用超滤膜处理盐湖卤水,去除卤水中的有机质。
- Even at Meridiani, basaltic sands lie atop the lake sediments, indicating that the site has been parched for two billion to three billion years. 甚至在子午线地盘,玄武岩质的沙披覆在湖床沉积物上,显示此地已经乾涸了20~30亿年。
- The result reveals that it is feasible to produce mirabilite ahead of schedule in Yuncheng saline lake and the ahead time is not less than one month. 经试验运城盐湖提前产硝完全可行,至少可提前一个月产运芒硝。
- Lass on ignition (LOI) is a simple, inexpensive method widely used to measure contents of organic and inorganic carbon in lake sediments. 摘要烧失量分析是一种便捷的测定湖泊沉积物有机碳与碳酸盐含量的方法。
- In this paper,an advanced technology is metioned.Barium Sulfate is made from barium chloride and the bittern water in Yuncheng Saline Lake. 着重解决了以运城盐湖卤水与氯化钡溶液为原料生产硫酸钡的技术难题。
- Loss on ignition(LOI) is a simple,inexpensive method widely used to measure contents of organic and inorganic carbon in lake sediments. 烧失量分析是一种便捷的测定湖泊沉积物有机碳与碳酸盐含量的方法。
- As an important component of lake sediments, diatom is of great value for reconstructing paleoclimate and paleoenvironment. 摘要硅藻是湖泊沉积物的重要组成部分,沉积物硅藻硅氧同位素在重建古气候、古环境方面具有重要价值。
- The genetic types of queer stones include primary grape agate, Gobi stone formed through water flowing and weathering, Desert stone formed in saline lake in desert. 其成因类型有原生的葡萄玛瑙、次生改造的戈壁石和沙漠盐湖形成的沙漠石。
- As an important component of lake sediments,diatom is of great value for reconstructing paleoclimate and paleoenvironment. 硅藻是湖泊沉积物的重要组成部分,沉积物硅藻硅氧同位素在重建古气候、古环境方面具有重要价值。
- Chains of saline lakes are found in places in continental interiors. 在大陆内部的某些地区发现了盐湖系列。
- Eicher U.Siegenthaler U Late-glacial climatic oscillations as recorded in Swiss lake sediments ;von Grafenstein U.Erlenkeuser H. 新疆艾比湖地区湖泊沉积记录的早全新世气候环境特征 作者:吴敬禄 - - 被引用次数: - 相关文章 - 所有 个版本 Lotter A F.
- This paper discusses the process of changes in brine composition of Yuncheng Saline Lake and possible cause. Advice is made on balanced exploitation of Yuncheng Saline Lake. 介绍了运城盐湖卤水组成的变迁过程以及产生这些变迁的原因,并对运城盐湖的平衡开采提出了建议。
- The characteristics of the Suhongtu Formation reflect shore - shallow and semi-deep lake sediments interbedded with volcanogenic rock. 其中,苏红图组沉积时期伴随火山的活动,呈现滨浅湖、半深湖沉积与区域性火山岩相间的分布特征。
- Li Yu-yun,Di Xiao-liang,Gao Jie.The status of saline lake Lithium resources and its present situation of exploitation[J].Sea-lake Salt and Chemical Industry,2005,34(5):31-35. [4]李昱昀;狄晓亮;高洁.;国内外盐湖卤水锂资源及开发现状[J]
- Total secondary inorganic carbonate content, namely TCC, of lake sediments, is valuable proxy to indicate environmental, climatic and tectonic change. 摘要湖积物中次生化学成因碳酸盐含量受控于包括温度、水分在内的众多因素,其变化可反映环境、气候及构造信息。
- This paper discusses the process of changes in brine composition of Yuncheng Saline Lade and possible cause.Advice is made on balanced exploitation of Yuncheng Saline Lake. 介绍了运城盐湖卤水组成的变迁过程以及产生这些变迁的原因,并对运城盐湖的平衡开采提出了建议。