- This species is an indicator of saline and alkaline soils and is a good fodder plant. 本种是一个含盐和碱性土地的指标,并且是一好饲料植株。
- The saline and alkaline soil in Panjin wetland was advantageous to propagation of bacteria and actinomyces,while it was disadvantageous to fungi propagation. 这是由于盘锦芦苇湿地的土壤偏盐碱性,有利于细菌和放线菌繁殖,抑制了真菌的繁殖;
- Are saline and alkaline land. 大多都是盐碱地。
- cultivation on saline and alkaline land 盐碱地栽培
- reclamation of saline and alkaline land 盐碱地改良
- This species tolerates high levels of salinity and is used for improving saline and alkaline land. It is also a good forage grass and a source of fiber. 本种容忍盐分的高的水平并且用于改进含盐和碱性土地。这也是好饲料草和一个纤维的来源。
- saline and alkaline land amelioration 土壤改良剂
- the saline and alkaline environment 盐碱环境
- Studies of soil salt dynamics in saline-sodic soil in different seasons provided scientific basis for the improvement and control of salinized and alkaline soil in Songnen plain. 本文对不同季节苏打盐渍土盐分动态的研究,为松嫩平原苏打盐渍土的改良和控制提供了科学依据。
- Biological improvement of saline and alkaline land in Xinjiang 新疆生物改良盐碱地效益研究
- Research on the Integrate Control to Saline and Alkaline Land of Xinjiang 新疆盐碱地的综合治理研究
- Seawater,hyperosmotic and alkaline, is a complex wound factor. 海水呈高渗碱性,是一种复合理化致伤因子。
- Studies on Characteristics of Water Chemistry of Ponds with Chloride Type Saline and Alkaline Soil 氯化物型盐碱地池塘水化学特征的研究
- A great quantity of soluble inorganic salt can force the surrounding soil seriously become salinization and alkalinization. 大量可溶性无机盐会加剧周边土壤的盐碱化。
- Studies on Integrated Improvement Tests of Saline and Alkaline Soil along the Yellow River 沿黄盐碱地综合改良试验研究
- Necessity and Feasibility of Biotic Improving the Saline and Alkaline Land in Xinjiang 新疆盐碱地生物改良的必要性与可行性
- In the area, the chemical type is complicated, the natural groundwater chemical field evolves toward salinization and alkalination and groundwater quality tends to deterioration. 区内天然水化学场总体上向盐化和碱化方向发展,水化学类型趋于复杂化,水质朝变差的方向演化。
- Research on Application of Combined Planting Techniques for Highway Afforestation Saline and Alkaline Land 盐碱地区公路绿化综合栽植技术
- Examinations of Balancing Water and Salt in Irrigated Districts and Control of Soil Saline and Alkaline 对灌区水盐平衡和控制土壤盐渍化的认识
- Planting techniques of fast growing high yield poplar stands in saline and alkaline areas 盐碱区杨树速生丰产林造林技术