- She always stay cool, calm and collect in a crisis. 她在危难时总是很冷静、镇定如常、泰然自若。
- Those 5 licenses permit GHDC to preregister the sales and collect deposits, land local bank loans, or sell the project as a whole to another company for a profit. 这五个执照允许GHDC预先注册销售金额并征收定金,获取当地银行贷款,或将整个工程转售给另一个公司来获利。
- She always remains cool, calm and collect in a crisis. 她在危难中总能保持冷静、平静和镇静。
- Cheap goods have a ready sale and price remain firm for the present. 廉价商品的销路相当好,而且目前价格稳定。
- Read the Sale and Purchase contract. 阅读销售购买合同。
- Sign the Sale and Purchase Contract. 签署房屋买卖合同。
- She always stay cool,calm and collect in a crisis. 她在危难时总是很冷静、 镇定如常、 泰然自若。
- While it's on sale and before it's too late! 趁它还在出售,别晚了!
- Move to drop zone and collect equipment canister. 向降落伞落下的地区移动,搜集滤毒罐装置。
- Study the Sale and Purchase Contract. 阅读房屋买卖合同。
- I'd better go and collect my daughter. 我得去接女儿了。
- We adopt "quick sale and small profits" policy. 我们奉行“薄利多销”的原则。
- Would you like to come and collect them? 您想要自己来取吗?
- Sale and Leaseback:How to Decide Its Tax Liability? - 返租销售:纳税义务如何判断?
- Afterward go and collect some information you need. 然后去搜集一些你需要的信息。
- Trim the hedge and collect the trimmings. 把树篱修剪一下,然后把剪下的枝条收在一起。
- Trim the hedge and collect the trimmings . 把树篱修剪一下,然后把剪下的枝条收在一起。
- The class planned a candy sale and they elected Kate to head it up. 班上计划义卖糖果,推选凯特为主持人。
- Perform experiment and collect data. 进行实验,收集数据。
- He sought out the old farmers and collected their weather lore. 他找一些老农搜集了他预测天气的经验。