- In a short time the ship will sail into the harbour. 不久那船就要驶进港口了。
- Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour. 数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港湾。
- sail into harbour 驶入海港
- After the collision both vessels managed to limp into harbour. 两船相撞之后都挣扎著驶进海港。
- The vessel has sailed into the harbour. 船已经进港了。
- The ship was sailing into the harbour now. 这艘船正在驶入港湾。
- Let's sail into unchartered waters! 向未知水域扬帆!
- As we came into harbour another ship hove alongside. 当我们进入港口时,另一艘船也驶进港来。
- The duchess sailed into the room. 公爵夫人仪态万方地走进房间。
- After the collision both vessel manage to limp into harbour. 两船相撞之後都挣扎著驶进海港。
- He would sail into his wife when work was going badly. 他事情一不遂心就大骂老婆。
- The ship sailed into the harbour safe and sound despite the storm. 尽管遇到风暴,那艘船仍平安驶入港口。
- He grabbed a stick and sailed into a dog. 他抓起根棍子就朝狗打去。
- He sailed into the witness, accusing him of lying. 他指责证人撒谎。
- The ambitious manager will sail into the new project with vigor. 这个雄心勃勃的经理会全力以赴,把精力投入到这个新项目中去。
- Kids when are you going to sail to sail into washing your dirty clothes. 孩子们,你们打算什么时候开始洗你们这些脏衣服?
- All admire his boldness in sailing into an enemy harbor to attack their ships. 他驾船驶进敌人港口攻击敌舰,大家对他的勇敢都很钦佩。
- The critic regretted having sailed into the poet with such sharp words. 这位批评家后悔不该用那尖刻的语言攻击那位诗人。
- A flock of gulls circled overhead as the boast sailed into the port. 船只驶入港口时,一群海鸥在船上方盘旋。
- The boss sailed into me for leaving the office unlocked when I went to lunch. 就因为我去吃午餐没把门锁上,老板痛骂了我一顿。