- I realized that I had said the wrong thing when I saw her reaction. 我一看到她的反应就意识到我说话不当。
- He has an unerring knack of saying the wrong thing. 他有个出言必失的本领。
- He always manages to say the wrong thing. 他总是哪壶不开提哪壶。
- He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing. 他有失言的倒霉本事。
- He caught himself before saying the wrong thing. 他及时住口才没有把话说错。
- You said the wrong thing at the wrong time. 你在不当的时候说了不当的话。
- We say the wrong thing, we could wind up in court. 我们说错一句话就会在法庭见了。
- I decided to shut my mouth in case I said the wrong thing. 我决定闭口不谈,以防讲错。
- He was annoyed with me for having said the wrong thing. 他嗔着我说错了话。
- No matter what I say, I seem to say the wrong thing. 无论我说什么,都似乎说得不当。
- Did I say the wrong thing? 我说错了什么吗?
- He have an unerring knack of saying the wrong thing. 他有个出言必失的本事。
- He's always on his guard against saying the wrong thing. 他总是谨防说错话。
- The politician gave away his best chance to the promotion when he foolishly said the wrong thing. 这位政治家愚蠢地说错了话,失去了提升的最好机会。
- He have an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing. 他有失言的倒霉本事。
- She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing. 不幸的是,她总是说错话。
- He has a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. 他有在不恰当的时候说不恰当的话的天才。
- He wouldn't eat his words even if he knows he said the wrong things. 他即使说了错话,也决不肯回来。
- I think the key to learning to speak a foreign language is that people don't criticize you if you say the wrong thing. 我认为学讲一门外语的关键是,如果你说错了,不会有人批评你。
- But when you say the wrong things then you figure out what the right thing is. 但是当你说错之后,你就会领会到怎样说才是正确的。