- Quality Safety of Urban Drinking Water Supply and Its Safeguard Strategy 城镇供水水质安全性及其保障措施
- safety of urban drinking water 供水安全
- The drinking water for experimental animals of the first class shall measure up to the hygiene standards of urban drinking water. 一级实验动物的饮水,应当符合城市生活饮水的卫生标准。
- Article 14 The drinking water for experimental animals of the first class shall measure up to the hygiene standards of urban drinking water. 第十四条一级实验动物的饮水,应当符合城市生活饮水的卫生标准。
- The drinking water for experimental animals of the second,third and fourth classes shall measure up to the hygiene standards of urban drinking water and undergo treatment to kill bacteria. 二、三、四级实验动物的饮水,应当符合城市生活饮水的卫生标准并经灭菌处理。
- The drinking water for experimental animals of the second, third and fourth classes shall measure up to the hygiene standards of urban drinking water and undergo treatment to kill bacteria. 二、三、四级实验动物的饮水,应当符合城市生活饮水的卫生标准并经灭菌处理。
- To ensure the safety of drinking water, there can be no room for compromise. 为了保证饮用水的安全,不能有任何的妥协方案。
- Crustacean plankton (Cyclops) breeding in reservoir has brought new problem to water treatment process, and brought threat to safety of drinking water. 浮游甲壳动物(剑水蚤 )在水库水中的孳生给水处理工艺带来了新的问题,同时也给饮用水的安全带来了威胁。
- Only when everyone is concerned about their body,the drinking water,the safety of the eatables,they begin to care for the environment really. 91页,“当每个人关照自己的身体,关心喝的水、吃的食品安全与否时,才会真的关爱环境”的翻译:
- Chemical Water Treatment Equipment: widely used to produce softened industrial water, desalted water, industrial pure water and urban drinking water through exchange reaction. 化学水处理设备:广泛应用于工业软化水、脱盐水、工业纯水及城市饮用水等方面。通过交换反应,达到水质软化或除盐的目的。
- Abstract: Regular announcement on drinking water quality to the public by water authority is an important act to set up the consumer"s confidence on the safety of drinking water. 文摘:自来水水质公告是自来水公司向社会发布水质信息,使用户建立对自来水水质的信心的重要措施。
- We must ensure the purity of drinking water. 我们必须确保饮用水的纯净。
- The holistic approach of water quality control and management from catchment through water treatment to consumers assures the safety of the drinking water supply and minimisation of public health risks. 本港的食水从集水区,经过处理程序至供应给用户前都采用全面性的管理及品质控制,以确保食水可以安全饮用及将公共生风险减至最低。
- Drinking water plays an important role in our dally life.And with the increasing need of safe drinking water, the quality and safety of drinking water have become focues of attention. 鉴于饮用水在人民生活中的重要地位和人们对方便、安全卫生的饮用水需求的增加,饮用水的质量和安全问题成为人们关注的焦点。
- The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty. 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
- Attention has been paid to the safety of drinking water day and day, Let's to protect water source better, and improve disinfectant and purificatory process, in order to safeguard human health. 饮用水的安全问题日益引起重视,要加强水源保护、改进消毒工艺和净水工艺,才能保障人类健康。
- He is callous about the safety of his workers. 他对他工人的安全毫不关心。
- Generations of urban living sharpened their wits. 世代居住在城市里使他们磨练了才智。
- urban drinking water source and supply system 城市饮用水源
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。