- safety quality management 安全质量管理
- Necessary safety and quality management to dominative area and people. 管辖区域内的安全环境质量管理。
- Graduate in Engineering or Quality Management. 工程或质量管理专业背景。
- Work on quality management more than one year. 工作经验:一年以上品保工作经验。
- What is Project Quality Management? 什么是项目质量管理?
- Is there the written quality management flow? 是否有书面化的质量管理流程?
- Responsible for quality management system planning. 负责质量管理体系的策划。
- Understanding the quality management system. 了解质量管理体系。
- Knowledge of Quality management. 质量管理的知识。
- Quality management system, and Health, Safety and Environment system document management. 质量安全环境体系文件的发放和收回,文件管理。
- Is the vessel operated under a Quality Management or Safety and Environmental Protection Management System? 船舶是否运行在质量管理或安全和环境保护管理体系中?
- Effective quality management system is important in ensuring the quality of medicine and people s usage safety. 有效的质量管理体系对于保证药品的质量,确保人民群众的用药安全是非常重要的。
- To guide the administration of safety basis and safety quality standardization of coal mine enterprises. 指导煤矿企业安全基础管理、安全质量标准化工作。
- The Conduct of the standardization of coal mines safety quality is a renovation on the base of decades of practices. 开展安全质量标准化活动是建立在几十年质量标准化工作实践基础上的一次创新。
- ISO-9001 Certificate approval for excellence in quality management. 通过ISO-9001认证。最佳品质控管认可。
- Have been trained by quality management or relevant knowledge. 接受过品管相关知识培训。
- The Urumchi Railway Adminis-tration has carried out the running mechanism of safety quality system for more than 2 years. And the safety period of the Administration is prolonged. 安全质量体系运转机制在乌鲁木齐铁路局已实施两年多,全局安全周期延长。
- ISO Quality Management System Training and document control / ISO. 质量体系培训和文件控制.
- This paper sets up highway culvert safety quality fuzzy evaluation?s model,and use it to evaluate highway culvert safety quality. 建立公路涵洞安全质量综合模糊评定模型,进行公路涵洞安全质量评价.
- So,It is the basic and premises for a coal mining corporation work safety to improve the region team safety quality standard... 所以,搞好区队安全质量标准化工作是煤矿企业安全生产的基础和前提。